3 years ago
50 changed files with 690 additions and 4474 deletions
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
/** |
* 提交审批、驳回修改 |
* body { |
* action:1驳回修改 2审批通过 |
* userRegionType:提交用户所属区域级别:3乡镇级,2区县级 |
* userId:提交用户id |
* rejectReasons:驳回意见 |
* correctiveAction:采取措施。区县复核时提交内容 |
* punishment:实施处罚,强制措施情况。区县复核时提交内容 |
* } |
*/ |
const moment = require('moment'); |
async function submitApproval (ctx) { |
try { |
const data = ctx.request.body; |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
let oldData = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findOne({ where: { id: data.id } }) |
if (oldData == null) { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { name: `message`, message: `该条填报数据不存在` }; |
} else { |
if ((data.action == 1 || data.action == 2) && (data.userRegionType == 3 || data.userRegionType == 2)) { |
let dataSave = {} |
if (data.action == 1) {//驳回
dataSave = { |
rejectManId: data.userId, |
rejectReasons: data.rejectReasons, |
type: false,//是否重新发起true默认false可以重新发起
rejectTime: moment() |
} |
if (data.userRegionType == 2) {//区县复核,14、15项可修改
dataSave.correctiveAction = data.correctiveAction; |
dataSave.punishment = data.punishment; |
} |
} else {//通过
if (data.userRegionType == 3) { |
dataSave = { |
audit1ManId: data.userId, |
audit1ManIdTime: moment().format() |
} |
} else { |
dataSave = {//区县复核,14、15项可修改
correctiveAction: data.correctiveAction, |
punishment: data.punishment, |
audit2ManId: data.userId, |
audit2ManIdTime: moment().format() |
} |
} |
} |
await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.update(dataSave, { where: { id: data.id } }); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = { name: `message`, message: `提交成功` }; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { name: `message`, message: `提交数据有误` }; |
} |
} |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": { name: `message`, message: `提交审批、驳回修改数据失败` } |
} |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
submitApproval |
}; |
@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ |
function deepCompare(x, y) { |
var i, l, leftChain, rightChain; |
function compare2Objects(x, y) { |
var p; |
// remember that NaN === NaN returns false
// and isNaN(undefined) returns true
if (isNaN(x) && isNaN(y) && typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number') { |
return true; |
} |
// Compare primitives and functions.
// Check if both arguments link to the same object.
// Especially useful on the step where we compare prototypes
if (x === y) { |
return true; |
} |
// Works in case when functions are created in constructor.
// Comparing dates is a common scenario. Another built-ins?
// We can even handle functions passed across iframes
if ((typeof x === 'function' && typeof y === 'function') || |
(x instanceof Date && y instanceof Date) || |
(x instanceof RegExp && y instanceof RegExp) || |
(x instanceof String && y instanceof String) || |
(x instanceof Number && y instanceof Number)) { |
return x.toString() === y.toString(); |
} |
// At last checking prototypes as good as we can
if (!(x instanceof Object && y instanceof Object)) { |
return false; |
} |
if (x.isPrototypeOf(y) || y.isPrototypeOf(x)) { |
return false; |
} |
if (x.constructor !== y.constructor) { |
return false; |
} |
if (x.prototype !== y.prototype) { |
return false; |
} |
// Check for infinitive linking loops
if (leftChain.indexOf(x) > -1 || rightChain.indexOf(y) > -1) { |
return false; |
} |
// Quick checking of one object being a subset of another.
// todo: cache the structure of arguments[0] for performance
for (p in y) { |
if (y.hasOwnProperty(p) !== x.hasOwnProperty(p)) { |
return false; |
} else if (typeof y[p] !== typeof x[p]) { |
return false; |
} |
} |
for (p in x) { |
if (y.hasOwnProperty(p) !== x.hasOwnProperty(p)) { |
return false; |
} else if (typeof y[p] !== typeof x[p]) { |
return false; |
} |
switch (typeof (x[p])) { |
case 'object': |
case 'function': |
leftChain.push(x); |
rightChain.push(y); |
if (!compare2Objects(x[p], y[p])) { |
return false; |
} |
leftChain.pop(); |
rightChain.pop(); |
break; |
default: |
if (x[p] !== y[p]) { |
return false; |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
if (arguments.length < 1) { |
return true; //Die silently? Don't know how to handle such case, please help...
// throw "Need two or more arguments to compare";
} |
for (i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) { |
leftChain = []; //Todo: this can be cached
rightChain = []; |
if (!compare2Objects(arguments[0], arguments[i])) { |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
module.exports = { |
deepCompare |
} |
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ |
async function getDataDictionary(ctx) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { model } = ctx.params; |
const { where, attributes, order } = ctx.query; |
let findObj = {}; |
if (where) { |
let whereJson = JSON.parse(where); |
findObj.where = whereJson; |
} |
if (order) { |
findObj.order = [JSON.parse(order)]; |
} |
if (attributes) { |
attributes = attributes.split(','); |
} |
let rslt = await models[model].findAll(findObj); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = rslt; |
} catch (error) { |
console.log(error) |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取数据字典失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function putDataDictionary(ctx) { |
const transaction = await ctx.fs.dc.orm.transaction(); |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
let errMsg = "修改失败"; |
const { model } = ctx.params; |
const { where, dataToSave } = ctx.request.body; |
const oldData = await models[model].findOne({ where: where }); |
if (oldData) { |
await models[model].update(dataToSave, { where: where, transaction }); |
} else { |
errMsg = "未找到需要修改的数据"; |
ctx.throw(400) |
} |
ctx.status = 204; |
await transaction.commit(); |
} catch (error) { |
await transaction.rollback(); |
console.log(error) |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": errMsg |
} |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
getDataDictionary, |
putDataDictionary |
}; |
@ -1,2 +1,26 @@ |
'use strict'; |
'use strict'; |
async function importIn (ctx) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { level } = ctx.query; |
const data = ctx.request.body; |
for (let d of data) { |
d.level = level; |
await models.User.create(d); |
} |
ctx.status = 204 |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
message: typeof error == 'string' ? error : undefined |
} |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
importIn |
}; |
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
async function getCountiesList(ctx) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
let rslt = await models.Department.findAll({ |
where: { type: 2 }, |
order: [['id', 'asc']], |
}); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = rslt; |
} catch (error) { |
console.log(error) |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取南昌市下所有区县失败" |
} |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
getCountiesList, |
}; |
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ |
async function getResource(ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const res = await models.Resource.findAll({ |
where: { parentResource: null }, |
include: [{ |
model: models.Resource, |
}] |
}) |
ctx.body = res; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "查询所有权限数据失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function getUserResource(ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { userId } = ctx.query; |
const res = await models.UserResource.findAll({ |
where: { userId: userId }, |
include: [{ |
model: models.Resource, |
}] |
}) |
ctx.body = res; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "查询用户权限数据失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function updateUserRes(ctx, next) { |
const transaction = await ctx.fs.dc.orm.transaction(); |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { userId, resCode } = ctx.request.body; |
const res = await models.UserResource.findAll({ |
attributes: ["resourceId"], |
raw: true, |
where: { userId: userId } |
}) |
const addRes = resCode.filter(r => !res.some(rr => rr.resourceId == r)).map(r => { return { userId: userId, resourceId: r } }); |
const delRes = res.filter(r => !resCode.includes(r.resourceId)).map(r => r.resourceId); |
addRes.length && await models.UserResource.bulkCreate(addRes, { transaction: transaction }); |
delRes.length && await models.UserResource.destroy({ |
where: { |
resourceId: { $in: delRes }, |
userId: userId |
}, |
transaction: transaction |
}) |
ctx.status = 204; |
await transaction.commit(); |
} catch (error) { |
await transaction.rollback(); |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "更新用户权限数据失败" |
} |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
getResource, |
getUserResource, |
updateUserRes |
}; |
@ -1,612 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const moment = require('moment'); |
/** |
* 提交填报信息/保存填报草稿 |
* @requires.body { |
* isDraft-是否草稿 |
* userId-用户id,填报人 |
* placeName-场所id |
* placeType-场所性质 |
* regionId-所属县/区 |
* address-场所地址 |
* placeOwner-场所负责人 |
* phone-负责人手机号 |
* dimension-面积 |
* floors-多少层 |
* numberOfPeople-常住人数 |
* location-经纬度 |
* isEnable-是否为合用场所 |
* localtionDescribe-经纬度定位描述 |
* hiddenDangerItem12-12项隐患信息,格式:[{ |
* itemIndex-隐患项序号, |
* value-是否存在隐患, |
* description-隐患具体信息描述, |
* photos-隐患图片(多张图片以 , 隔开)" |
* }], |
* description-存在具体问题描述 |
* correctiveAction-采取整改措施 |
* punishment-实施处罚,强制措施情况 |
* } ctx |
*/ |
async function addPlaceSecurityRecord (ctx, next) { |
const transaction = await ctx.fs.dc.orm.transaction(); |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const body = ctx.request.body; |
let ifRightRegion = true; |
if (body.regionId) { |
let region = await models.Department.findOne({ where: { id: body.regionId } }); |
if (!region) { |
ifRightRegion = false; |
} |
} |
if (ifRightRegion) { |
let placeId = null; |
if (body.placeName) { |
let place = await models.Places.findOne({ where: { name: body.placeName, userId: ctx.fs.api.userId } }); |
if (place) { |
placeId = place.id |
} else { |
const newPlace = await models.Places.create({ |
name: body.placeName, |
userId: ctx.fs.api.userId |
}, { transaction: transaction }); |
placeId = newPlace.id; |
} |
} |
const userPlaceSecurityRecord = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.create({ |
isDraft: body.isDraft,//是否草稿
userId: ctx.fs.api.userId,//用户id,填报人
time: moment(),//录入时间
placeId: placeId,//场所id
placeType: body.placeType,//场所性质
regionId: body.regionId,//所属县/区
address: body.address,//场所地址
placeOwner: body.placeOwner,//场所负责人
phone: body.phone,//负责人手机号
dimension: body.dimension,//面积
floors: body.floors,//多少层
numberOfPeople: body.numberOfPeople,//常住人数
location: body.location,//经纬度
isEnable: body.isEnable,//是否为合用场所
localtionDescribe: body.localtionDescribe,//经纬度定位描述
hiddenDangerItem12: body.hiddenDangerItem12,//12项隐患信息
description: body.description,//存在具体问题描述
correctiveAction: body.correctiveAction,//采取措施
type: true,//是否重新发起true默认false可以重新发起
punishment: body.punishment,//实施处罚,强制措施情况
departmentId: body.departmentId |
}, { transaction: transaction }); |
ctx.body = { |
id: userPlaceSecurityRecord.id, |
"message": "新增填报信息成功" |
}; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "所选地址不存在!" |
} |
} |
await transaction.commit(); |
} catch (error) { |
await transaction.rollback(); |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "新增填报信息失败" |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* 编辑填报信息 |
* @param {id-填报信息ID} ctx |
* @requires.body { |
* isDraft-是否草稿 |
* userId-用户id,填报人 |
* placeName-场所id |
* placeType-场所性质 |
* regionId-所属县/区 |
* address-场所地址 |
* placeOwner-场所负责人 |
* phone-负责人手机号 |
* dimension-面积 |
* floors-多少层 |
* numberOfPeople-常住人数 |
* location-经纬度 |
* isEnable-是否为合用场所 |
* localtionDescribe-经纬度定位描述 |
* hiddenDangerItem12-12项隐患信息,格式:[{ |
* itemIndex-隐患项序号, |
* value-是否存在隐患, |
* description-隐患具体信息描述, |
* photos-隐患图片(多张图片以 , 隔开)" |
* }], |
* description-存在具体问题描述 |
* correctiveAction-采取整改措施 |
* punishment-实施处罚,强制措施情况 |
* } ctx |
*/ |
async function editPlaceSecurityRecord (ctx, next) { |
const transaction = await ctx.fs.dc.orm.transaction(); |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { id } = ctx.params; |
let userPlaceSecurityRecord = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findOne({ where: { id: id } }); |
if (userPlaceSecurityRecord) { |
const body = ctx.request.body; |
let ifRightRegion = true; |
if (body.regionId) { |
let region = await models.Department.findOne({ where: { id: body.regionId } }); |
if (!region) { |
ifRightRegion = false; |
} |
} |
if (ifRightRegion) { |
let placeId = null; |
if (body.placeName) { |
let place = await models.Places.findOne({ where: { name: body.placeName, userId: ctx.fs.api.userId } }); |
if (place) { |
placeId = place.id |
} else { |
const newPlace = await models.Places.create({ |
name: body.placeName, |
userId: ctx.fs.api.userId |
}, { transaction: transaction }); |
placeId = newPlace.id; |
} |
} |
await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.update({ |
isDraft: body.isDraft,//是否草稿
userId: ctx.fs.api.userId,//用户id,填报人
time: moment(),//录入时间
placeId: placeId,//场所id
placeType: body.placeType,//场所性质
regionId: body.regionId,//所属县/区
address: body.address,//场所地址
placeOwner: body.placeOwner,//场所负责人
phone: body.phone,//负责人手机号
dimension: body.dimension,//面积
floors: body.floors,//多少层
numberOfPeople: body.numberOfPeople,//常住人数
location: body.location,//经纬度
isEnable: body.isEnable,//是否为合用场所
localtionDescribe: body.localtionDescribe,//经纬度定位描述
hiddenDangerItem12: body.hiddenDangerItem12,//12项隐患信息
description: body.description,//存在具体问题描述
correctiveAction: body.correctiveAction,//采取措施
punishment: body.punishment,//实施处罚,强制措施情况
departmentId: body.departmentId |
}, { where: { id: id, }, transaction: transaction }); |
ctx.body = { "message": "修改填报信息成功" }; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "所选地址不存在!" } |
} |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "该填报信息不存在!" } |
} |
await transaction.commit(); |
} catch (error) { |
await transaction.rollback(); |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "修改填报信息失败" } |
} |
} |
/** |
* 修改type字段 |
* @param {*} ctx |
* @param {*} next |
*/ |
async function updateType (ctx, next) { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { id } = ctx.params; |
try { |
await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.update({ |
type: true,//是否重新发起true默认false可以重新发起
}, { where: { id: id, } }) |
ctx.body = { "message": "修改信息成功" }; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "修改信息失败" } |
} |
} |
/** |
* 删除填报信息 |
* @param {id-填报信息ID} ctx |
*/ |
async function deletePlaceSecurityRecord (ctx, next) { |
const transaction = await ctx.fs.dc.orm.transaction(); |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { id } = ctx.params; |
let userPlaceSecurityRecord = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findOne({ where: { id: id } }); |
if (userPlaceSecurityRecord) { |
await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.destroy({ where: { id: id }, transaction: transaction }); |
ctx.body = { "message": "删除填报信息成功" }; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "该填报信息不存在!" } |
} |
await transaction.commit(); |
} catch (error) { |
await transaction.rollback(); |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "删除填报信息失败" } |
} |
} |
/** |
* 根据填报信息ID查询填报信息 |
* @param {id-填报信息ID} ctx |
*/ |
async function getPlaceSecurityRecordById (ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { id } = ctx.params; |
let userPlaceSecurityRecord = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findOne({ where: { id: id } }); |
if (userPlaceSecurityRecord) { |
let userPlaceSecurityRecord = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findOne({ |
where: { id: id }, |
include: [{ |
model: models.Places, |
}, { |
model: models.User, |
as: 'user', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
model: models.User, |
as: 'audit1ManUser', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
model: models.User, |
as: 'audit2ManUser', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
model: models.User, |
as: 'rejectManUser', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}] |
}); |
ctx.body = userPlaceSecurityRecord; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "该填报信息不存在!" } |
} |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "查询填报信息失败" } |
} |
} |
/** |
* 根据场所ID获取该场所最近用户填报信息 |
* @param {placeId-场所信息ID} ctx |
*/ |
async function getRecentlyPlaceSecurityRecordByPlaceId (ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { placeId } = ctx.params; |
let place = await models.Places.findOne({ where: { id: placeId } }); |
if (place) { |
let userPlaceSecurityRecord = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findAll({ |
where: { placeId: placeId, userId: place.userId }, |
include: [{ |
model: models.Places, |
}], |
limit: 1, |
order: [["id", "desc"]], |
}); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = userPlaceSecurityRecord.length ? userPlaceSecurityRecord[0] : null; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "该场所不存在!" } |
} |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "获取场所最近用户填报信息失败" } |
} |
} |
/** |
* 根据筛选条件获取用户填报信息 |
* @query { |
* isDraft-是否草稿 |
* userId-用户ID |
* timeRange-录入时间范围 |
* regionId-区域ID |
* placeId-场所ID |
* state-审批状态 |
* pageIndex-页码 |
* pageSize-页宽 |
* } ctx |
*/ |
async function getPlaceSecurityRecords (ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { isDraft, userId, timeRange, regionId, placeId, state, pageIndex, pageSize } = ctx.query; |
let whereCondition = {}; |
if (userId) { |
let user = await models.User.findOne({ where: { id: userId } }); |
if (user) { |
whereCondition.userId = userId; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "用户不存在!" } |
return; |
} |
} |
if (regionId) { |
let region = await models.Department.findOne({ where: { id: regionId } }); |
if (region) { |
whereCondition.regionId = regionId; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "区域不存在!" } |
return; |
} |
} |
if (placeId) { |
let place = await models.Places.findOne({ where: { id: placeId } }); |
if (place) { |
whereCondition.placeId = placeId; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "场所不存在!" }; |
return; |
} |
} |
if (isDraft) { whereCondition.isDraft = isDraft; } |
let times = timeRange; |
if (timeRange && timeRange.indexOf(',')) { times = timeRange.split(',') } |
if (times && times.length > 0) { |
const len = times.length; |
whereCondition.time = { |
$between: [ |
moment(times[0]).startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
moment(times[len - 1]).endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
] |
}; |
} |
switch (Number(state)) { |
case 1: //待审批:未审核 或者 已审核+未复核
whereCondition.$or = [ |
{ '$audit1ManId$': null }, |
{ '$audit2ManId$': null } |
]; |
whereCondition.rejectManId = null; |
break; |
case 2://已审批:已审批+已复核
whereCondition.audit1ManId = { $not: null }; |
whereCondition.audit2ManId = { $not: null }; |
break; |
case 3: //驳回
whereCondition.rejectManId = { $not: null }; |
break; |
default: break; |
} |
let findObj = { |
where: whereCondition, |
order: [["id", "desc"]], |
include: [{ |
model: models.Places, |
}, { |
model: models.User, |
as: 'user', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
model: models.User, |
as: 'audit1ManUser', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
model: models.User, |
as: 'audit2ManUser', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
model: models.User, |
as: 'rejectManUser', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}] |
}; |
if (Number(pageSize) > 0 && Number(pageIndex) >= 0) { |
findObj.limit = Number(pageSize); |
findObj.offset = Number(pageIndex) * Number(pageSize); |
} |
let userPlaceSecurityRecords = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findAndCountAll(findObj); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = userPlaceSecurityRecords; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "获取用户填报信息失败" } |
} |
} |
/** |
* 根据筛选条件获取用户审批填报信息 |
* @query { |
* approveUserId-审批人ID |
* timeRange-录入时间范围 |
* regionId-区域ID |
* placeId-场所ID |
* state-审批状态 |
* pageIndex-页码 |
* pageSize-页宽 |
* } ctx |
*/ |
async function getApprovePlaceSecurityRecords (ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { approveUserId, timeRange, regionId, placeId, state, pageIndex, pageSize } = ctx.query; |
let whereCondition = { isDraft: false }; |
if (approveUserId) { |
let approveUser = await models.User.findOne({ where: { id: approveUserId } }); |
if (approveUser) { |
const departmentRes = await models.Department.findOne({ where: { id: approveUser.departmentId } }); |
if (departmentRes.dependence) { |
let attentionRegionIds = [departmentRes.id]; |
let regionType = departmentRes.type; |
while (attentionRegionIds.length && regionType && regionType < 4) { |
const departmentChilds = await models.Department.findAll({ where: { dependence: { $in: attentionRegionIds } } }); |
regionType = departmentChilds.length ? departmentChilds[0].type : null; |
attentionRegionIds = departmentChilds.map(d => d.id); |
} |
let users = await models.User.findAll({ where: { departmentId: { $in: attentionRegionIds } }, attributes: ['id'] }); |
if (users.length) { |
let userIds = users.map(u => u.id); |
whereCondition.userId = { $in: userIds }; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = { |
"count": 0, |
"rows": [] |
} |
return; |
} |
} |
if (regionId) { |
let region = await models.Department.findOne({ where: { id: regionId } }); |
if (region) { |
whereCondition.regionId = regionId; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "区域不存在!" } |
return; |
} |
} |
if (placeId) { |
let place = await models.Places.findOne({ where: { id: placeId } }); |
if (place) { |
whereCondition.placeId = placeId; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "场所不存在!" }; |
return; |
} |
} |
let times = timeRange; |
if (timeRange && timeRange.indexOf(',')) { times = timeRange.split(',') } |
if (times && times.length > 0) { |
const len = times.length; |
whereCondition.time = { |
$between: [ |
moment(times[0]).startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
moment(times[len - 1]).endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
] |
}; |
} |
switch (Number(state)) { |
case 1: //待审批
if (departmentRes.type == 2) { |
whereCondition.audit1ManId = { $not: null }; |
whereCondition.audit2ManId = null; |
} else { |
whereCondition.audit1ManId = null; |
whereCondition.audit2ManId = null; |
} |
whereCondition.rejectManId = null; |
break; |
case 2://已审批:
if (departmentRes.type == 3) { |
whereCondition.audit1ManId = { $not: null }; |
} else { |
whereCondition.audit1ManId = { $not: null }; |
whereCondition.audit2ManId = { $not: null }; |
} |
whereCondition.rejectManId = null; |
break; |
case 3: //驳回
whereCondition.rejectManId = { $not: null }; |
break; |
default: |
if (departmentRes.type == 2) { |
whereCondition.audit1ManId = { $not: null }; |
} |
break; |
} |
let findObj = { |
where: whereCondition, |
include: [{ |
model: models.Places, |
}, { |
model: models.User, |
as: 'user', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
model: models.User, |
as: 'audit1ManUser', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
model: models.User, |
as: 'audit2ManUser', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
model: models.User, |
as: 'rejectManUser', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}], |
order: [["id", "desc"]] |
}; |
if (Number(pageSize) > 0 && Number(pageIndex) >= 0) { |
findObj.limit = Number(pageSize); |
findObj.offset = Number(pageIndex) * Number(pageSize); |
} |
let userPlaceSecurityRecords = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findAndCountAll(findObj); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = userPlaceSecurityRecords; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "用户不存在!" } |
} |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "请传用户参数!" } |
} |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "获取用户填报信息失败" } |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
addPlaceSecurityRecord, |
editPlaceSecurityRecord, |
deletePlaceSecurityRecord, |
getPlaceSecurityRecordById, |
getRecentlyPlaceSecurityRecordByPlaceId, |
getPlaceSecurityRecords, |
getApprovePlaceSecurityRecords, |
updateType |
}; |
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
/** |
* 根据用户ID获取该用户创建的所有场所信息 |
* @param {userId-用户ID} ctx |
*/ |
async function getPlacesByUserId(ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { userId } = ctx.params; |
let places = await models.Places.findAll({ where: { userId: userId }, attributes: ['id', 'name'] }); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = places; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "查询用户场所信息失败" } |
} |
} |
/** |
* 根据审批用户ID获取该审批用户范围内填报人创建的场所信息 |
* @param {approveUserId-审批用户ID} ctx |
*/ |
async function getPlacesByApproveUserId(ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { approveUserId } = ctx.params; |
let approveUser = await models.User.findOne({ where: { id: approveUserId } }); |
if (approveUser) { |
let whereCondition = {}; |
const departmentRes = await models.Department.findOne({ where: { id: approveUser.departmentId } }); |
if (departmentRes.dependence) { |
let regionType = departmentRes.type; |
if (regionType == 4) { |
whereCondition.userId = approveUserId; |
} else { |
let attentionRegionIds = [departmentRes.id]; |
while (attentionRegionIds.length && regionType && regionType < 4) { |
const departmentChilds = await models.Department.findAll({ where: { dependence: { $in: attentionRegionIds } } }); |
regionType = departmentChilds.length ? departmentChilds[0].type : null; |
attentionRegionIds = departmentChilds.map(d => d.id); |
} |
let users = await models.User.findAll({ where: { departmentId: { $in: attentionRegionIds } }, attributes: ['id'] }); |
if (users.length) { |
let userIds = users.map(u => u.id); |
whereCondition.userId = { $in: userIds }; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = []; |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
let places = await models.Places.findAll({ where: whereCondition, attributes: ['id', 'name'] }); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = places; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "用户不存在!" } |
} |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "查询用户区域内场所信息失败" } |
} |
} |
/** |
* 获取所有场所信息 |
*/ |
async function getAllPlaces(ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
let places = await models.Places.findAll(); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = places; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "获取场所信息失败" } |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
getPlacesByUserId, |
getPlacesByApproveUserId, |
getAllPlaces |
}; |
@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ |
const moment = require('moment') |
async function getReportRectify(ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { fs: { api: { userInfo } } } = ctx |
const { startTime, endTime } = ctx.query |
// 查找自己所属的区县数据 type == 2
let userDepRes = await models.Department.findOne({ |
order: [['id', 'asc']], |
where: { |
id: userInfo.departmentId |
}, |
}) |
let depRes = [] |
if (userDepRes.dataValues.type == 1) { |
depRes = await models.Department.findAll({ |
where: { |
type: 2, |
} |
}) |
} else if (userDepRes.dataValues.type == 2) { |
depRes = [userDepRes] |
} |
let rectifyReportList = [] |
let calDay = moment(startTime).startOf('day') |
let endDay = moment(endTime).endOf('day') |
let today = moment().endOf('day') |
while (calDay.isBefore(endDay) && calDay.isBefore(today)) { |
let curDay_ = calDay.clone(); |
for (let d of depRes) { |
let reportCount = await models.ReportRectify.count({ |
where: { |
regionId: d.dataValues.id, |
userId:{$not:null}, |
dateTime: { |
$between: [ |
curDay_.startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
curDay_.endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
] |
} |
} |
}) |
let detailCount = await models.ReportRectify.count({ |
where: { |
regionId: d.dataValues.id, |
dateTime: { |
$between: [ |
curDay_.startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
curDay_.endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
] |
} |
} |
}) |
if (detailCount > 0) |
rectifyReportList.push({ |
day: calDay.format('YYYY-MM-DD'), |
region: d.dataValues.name, |
name: d.dataValues.name + '合用场所安全隐患排查整治汇总表', |
reportBool: reportCount > 0, |
depId: d.id, |
}) |
} |
calDay.add(1, 'day') |
} |
ctx.body = rectifyReportList; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取合用场所安全隐患排查整治汇总表列表失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function getReportRectifyDetail(ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { day, depId } = ctx.query |
let searchDay = moment(day) |
let reportRes = await models.ReportRectify.findAll({ |
where: { |
regionId: depId, |
dateTime: { |
$between: [ |
searchDay.startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
searchDay.endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
] |
} |
} |
}) |
ctx.body = reportRes; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取合用场所安全隐患排查整治汇总表详情失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function compileReportRectifyDetail(ctx, next) { |
const t = await ctx.fs.dc.orm.transaction(); |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const data = ctx.request.body |
for (let d of data) { |
await models.ReportRectify.update(d, { |
transaction: t, |
where: { |
id: d.id |
} |
}) |
} |
await t.commit(); |
ctx.status = 204; |
} catch (error) { |
await t.rollback(); |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "保存合用场所安全隐患排查整治汇总表详情失败" |
} |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
getReportRectify, |
getReportRectifyDetail, |
compileReportRectifyDetail, |
}; |
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@ |
async function getAreas (ctx, next) { |
try { |
const { fs: { api: { userInfo } } } = ctx |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
let userDepRes = await models.Department.findOne({ |
order: [['id', 'asc']], |
where: { |
id: userInfo.departmentId |
}, |
}) |
let rslt = [] |
if (userDepRes) { |
if (userDepRes.dataValues.type == 1) { |
rslt = await models.Department.findAll({ |
order: [['id', 'asc']], |
where: { |
type: 2 |
} |
}) |
} else if (userDepRes.dataValues.type == 2) { |
rslt = [userDepRes.dataValues] |
} |
} |
ctx.body = rslt; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "查询区域数据失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function addReportConfig (ctx) { |
let errMsg = "添加报表配置失败" |
try { |
const data = ctx.request.body |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const repeatRes = await models.ReportConfigition.find({ |
where: { |
regionId: data.regionId, |
reportTypeId: data.reportTypeId, |
excuteTime: data.excuteTime, |
} |
}) |
if (repeatRes) { |
errMsg = '已有相同配置信息'; |
throw errMsg |
} |
const res = await models.ReportConfigition.create(data) |
ctx.body = res; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": errMsg |
} |
} |
} |
async function getReportConfig (ctx) { |
try { |
const { fs: { api: { userInfo } } } = ctx |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
// 查找自己所属的区县数据 type == 2
let userDepRes = await models.Department.findOne({ |
order: [['id', 'asc']], |
where: { |
id: userInfo.departmentId |
}, |
}) |
let depRes = [] |
if (userDepRes.dataValues.type == 1) { |
depRes = await models.Department.findAll({ |
where: { |
type: 2, |
} |
}) |
} else if (userDepRes.dataValues.type == 2) { |
depRes = [userDepRes] |
} |
const res = await models.ReportConfigition.findAll({ |
where: { |
regionId: { $in: depRes.map(d => d.dataValues.id) } |
} |
}) |
ctx.body = res; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取报表配置失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function editReportConfig (ctx) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const data = ctx.request.body |
const { reportId } = ctx.params |
const repeatRes = await models.ReportConfigition.find({ |
where: { |
id: { $ne: parseInt(reportId) }, |
regionId: data.regionId, |
reportTypeId: data.reportTypeId, |
excuteTime: data.excuteTime, |
} |
}) |
if (repeatRes) { |
errMsg = '已有相同配置信息'; |
throw errMsg |
} |
await models.ReportConfigition.update(data, { |
where: { |
id: parseInt(reportId) |
} |
}) |
ctx.status = 204; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "编辑报表配置失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function delReportConfig (ctx) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { reportId } = ctx.params |
await models.ReportConfigition.destroy({ |
where: { |
id: parseInt(reportId) |
} |
}) |
ctx.status = 204; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "删除报表配置失败" |
} |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
getAreas, |
addReportConfig, |
getReportConfig, |
editReportConfig, |
delReportConfig, |
}; |
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ |
const moment = require('moment'); |
async function getReportList (ctx, next) { |
try { |
const { fs: { api: { userInfo } } } = ctx |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { creatTime, reportName, regionName, limit, offset } = ctx.query; |
let where = { |
$and: { |
reportName: { $notLike: '%填报信息导出%' } |
} |
}; |
if (creatTime) { |
where.creatTime = { |
$gte: moment(creatTime[0]).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
$lte: moment(creatTime[1]).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
} |
} |
if (reportName) { |
where.reportName = { |
$iLike: `%${reportName}%` |
} |
} |
if (regionName && regionName != -1) { |
where.regionId = regionName |
} else { |
let userDepRes = await models.Department.findOne({ |
order: [['id', 'asc']], |
where: { |
id: userInfo.departmentId |
}, |
}) |
let userDep = [] |
if (userDepRes) { |
if (userDepRes.dataValues.type == 1) { |
userDep = await models.Department.findAll({ |
order: [['id', 'asc']], |
where: { |
type: 2 |
} |
}) |
} else if (userDepRes.dataValues.type == 2) { |
userDep = [userDepRes] |
} |
} |
where.regionId = { $in: userDep.map(u => u.dataValues.id) } |
} |
let findObj = { |
include: [{ |
model: models.ReportType, |
attributes: ['name'] |
}, { |
model: models.Department, |
attributes: ['name'] |
}], |
where: where, |
order: [['creatTime', 'desc']], |
}; |
if (Number(limit) > 0 && Number(offset) >= 0) { |
findObj.limit = Number(limit); |
findObj.offset = Number(offset); |
} |
const res = await models.ReportDownManage.findAndCountAll(findObj) |
ctx.body = res; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "查询报表数据失败" |
} |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
getReportList, |
}; |
@ -1,342 +0,0 @@ |
const moment = require('moment'); |
const { QueryTypes } = require('sequelize'); |
async function reportDailyStatistic (ctx, next) { |
const rslt = { |
added: 0, //今日新增
checked: 0, //今日已审填报
unChecked: 0, //未审填报
danger_place: 0, //隐患场所总数
history: 0, //历史填报
date: {} |
}; |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const curDay_ = moment(); |
const sequelize = ctx.fs.dc.orm; |
rslt.added = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.count({ |
where: { |
time: { |
$between: [ |
curDay_.startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
curDay_.endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
] |
} |
} |
}) |
rslt.unChecked = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.count({ |
where: { |
$or: [ |
{ |
audit2ManId: { $eq: null }, |
rejectManId: { $eq: null }, |
}, |
// {
// audit2ManId: { $ne: null },
// rejectManId: { $eq: null },
// },
{ |
audit1ManId: { $eq: null }, |
rejectManId: { $eq: null }, |
} |
] |
} |
}); |
rslt.checked = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.count({ |
where: { |
$or: [ |
{ |
audit2ManId: { $ne: null }, |
audit2ManIdTime: { |
$between: [ |
curDay_.startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
curDay_.endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
] |
} |
}, |
{ |
rejectManId: { $ne: null }, |
rejectTime: { |
$between: [ |
curDay_.startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
curDay_.endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
] |
} |
} |
] |
} |
}); |
const list = await sequelize.query(`SELECT count(*) AS "count" FROM "user_placeSecurityRecord" AS "userPlaceSecurityRecord"
WHERE ("userPlaceSecurityRecord"."correctiveAction" IS NOT NULL AND "userPlaceSecurityRecord"."punishment" IS NOT NULL) AND "audit2ManId" IS NOT NULL GROUP BY "placeId";`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT })
rslt.danger_place = list.length; |
rslt.history = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.count(); |
// seven days data
const startDay = moment().startOf('day'); |
for (let d = 1; d <= 7; d++) { |
const START_DAY = moment(startDay).add(-d, 'day'); |
const date = START_DAY.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); |
const num = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.count({ |
where: { |
time: { |
$between: [ |
START_DAY.startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
START_DAY.endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
] |
} |
} |
}) |
rslt.date[date] = num; |
} |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = rslt; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取数据中台数据失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function reportAreaStatistic (ctx, next) { |
let rslt = [], relationRegion = {}; |
try { |
const { startDate, endDate } = ctx.query; |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const sequelize = ctx.fs.dc.orm; |
const list = await sequelize.query(`select "regionId", count("regionId") from "user_placeSecurityRecord" WHERE "time" BETWEEN '${moment(startDate).startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}' AND '${moment(endDate).endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}' AND "hiddenDangerItem12" IS NOT NULL GROUP BY "regionId" `, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }) |
// let regionIds = []
// list.map(item => {
// if (item.regionId && item.regionId != '') {
// regionIds.push(item.regionId);
// }
// });
// const depts = await sequelize.query(`SELECT "id", "name", "type", "dependence" FROM "department" AS "department" WHERE "department"."id" IN (${regionIds.toString()});`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT });
const deptRelation = await sequelize.query(`SELECT "id", "name", "type", "dependence" FROM "department" AS "department";`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }); |
const quArea = deptRelation.filter(f => f.type == 2); |
quArea.map(item => { |
relationRegion[item.id] = {}; |
const xiang = deptRelation.filter(f => f.type == 3 && f.dependence == item.id).map(item => item.id); |
const cun = deptRelation.filter(f => f.type == 4 && xiang.some(ss => ss == f.dependence)).map(item => item.id); |
relationRegion[item.id]['regionIds'] = [item.id, ...xiang, ...cun]; |
relationRegion[item.id]['name'] = item.name; |
}) |
Object.keys(relationRegion).map(key => { |
const { regionIds, name } = relationRegion[key]; |
let data = list.filter(item => regionIds.some(id => id == item.regionId)) |
let obj = {}; |
obj['name'] = name; |
obj['count'] = 0; |
obj['regionId'] = key; |
data.map(item => { |
obj['count'] += Number(item.count) |
}) |
rslt.push(obj) |
}) |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = rslt; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取数据中台数据失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function dangerAreaQuery (ctx, next) { |
const { userId } = ctx.fs.api |
let rslt = { rows: [], count: 0, ids: [] }, relationRegion = {}; |
try { |
const { startDate, endDate, placeType, regionId, placeName, offset = 0, limit = 20 } = ctx.query; |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const sequelize = ctx.fs.dc.orm; |
let options = { |
audit2ManId: { $ne: null }, |
}, places = [], dep4Ids = []; |
if (startDate && endDate) { |
options.time = { |
$between: [ |
moment(startDate).startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
moment(endDate).endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
] |
} |
} |
if (placeName) { |
places = await models.Places.findAll({ |
where: { |
name: { $like: `%${placeName}%` } |
} |
}) |
options.placeId = { |
$in: places.map(item => item.id) |
} |
} else { |
places = await models.Places.findAll() |
} |
if (regionId && regionId != -1) { |
let idList = []; |
const curDeptRelation = await sequelize.query(`SELECT "id", "name", "type", "dependence" FROM "department" WHERE "id" in (${regionId});`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }); |
const type = curDeptRelation[0].type |
if (type != 1) { |
const deptRelation = await sequelize.query(`SELECT "id", "name", "type", "dependence" FROM "department" AS "department";`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }); |
const quArea = deptRelation.filter(f => f.type == 2); |
quArea.map(item => { |
relationRegion[item.id] = {}; |
deptRelation.filter(f => f.type == 3 && f.dependence == item.id).map(x => { |
relationRegion[item.id][x.id] = deptRelation.filter(f => f.type == 4 && x.id == f.dependence).map(cun => cun.id); |
}); |
}) |
if (type == 2) { |
const quList = [regionId]; |
const xiangList = Object.keys(relationRegion[regionId]) |
let cunList = xiangList.map(key => { |
return relationRegion[regionId][key] |
}) |
idList = quList.concat(xiangList).concat(cunList.flat(Infinity)) |
options.regionId = { $in: idList }; |
} |
if (type == 3) { |
Object.keys(relationRegion).map(quKey => { |
Object.keys(relationRegion[quKey]).map(xiangKey => { |
if (xiangKey == regionId) { |
const xiangList = [xiangKey]; |
const cunList = relationRegion[quKey][xiangKey] |
idList = xiangList.concat(cunList); |
} |
}) |
}) |
dep4Ids = idList |
} |
if (type == 4) { |
const curUser = await models.User.findOne({ where: { id: userId } }) |
const corUserDepId = curUser.departmentId |
const corUseUserDepRes = await models.Department.findOne({ where: { id: corUserDepId } }) |
if(corUseUserDepRes.type < 4){ |
dep4Ids = [regionId] |
} else { |
options.userId = userId |
} |
// idList = [regionId]
// options.userId = userId
} |
// options.departmentId = { $in: idList };
} |
} |
if (placeType != null && placeType != -1) { |
if (placeType == 0) { |
options = Object.assign({}, options, { |
$or: [ |
{ |
correctiveAction: { $ne: null }, |
}, |
{ |
punishment: { $ne: null }, |
} |
] |
}) |
} |
if (placeType == 1) |
options = Object.assign({}, options, { |
$or: [ |
{ |
correctiveAction: { $eq: null }, |
}, |
{ |
punishment: { $eq: null }, |
} |
], |
hiddenDangerItem12: { |
$ne: null |
} |
}) |
if (placeType == 2) |
options.hiddenDangerItem12 = { |
$eq: null |
} |
} |
let findOption = { |
where: options, |
offset: offset, |
limit: limit, |
order: [['time', 'DESC']], |
} |
if (dep4Ids.length) { |
findOption.include = [{ |
required: true, |
model: models.User, |
as: 'user', |
where: { |
departmentId: { $in: dep4Ids } |
} |
}] |
} |
const list = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findAll(findOption) |
for (let item of list) { |
const { name } = places.filter(p => p.id == item.placeId)[0] || {}; |
const checkAreaName = await sequelize.query(`SELECT "dpt"."name" FROM "department" as "dpt" WHERE "dpt"."id" in (SELECT "department_id" FROM "user" WHERE "id" = ${item.userId} );`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }) |
const checkUser = await sequelize.query(`SELECT "name", "phone" FROM "user" WHERE "id" = ${item.userId}`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT }) |
rslt.rows.push(Object.assign({}, item.dataValues, { placeName: name, checkAreaName: (checkAreaName[0] || {}).name || '', checkUserName: (checkUser[0] || {}).name || '', checkUserPhone: (checkUser[0] || {}).phone })) |
} |
delete findOption.offset |
delete findOption.limit |
delete findOption.order |
findOption.attributes = ['id'] |
const dataAll = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findAll( |
findOption |
// {
// attributes: ['id'],
// where: options,
// }
); |
rslt.count = dataAll.length; |
rslt.ids = dataAll.map(item => item.dataValues.id); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = rslt; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取数据中台数据失败" |
} |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
reportDailyStatistic, |
reportAreaStatistic, |
dangerAreaQuery, |
} |
@ -1,483 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const moment = require('moment'); |
async function getDayReport(ctx) { |
try { |
const { date, areaId } = ctx.query; |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
let range = [moment(date).startOf('day').format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"), moment(date).endOf('day').format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")] |
let rslt = await models.ReportCollection.findAll({ |
where: { |
dateTime: { |
$between: range |
}, |
regionId: areaId |
}, |
include: [{ |
required: true, |
model: models.User, |
attributes: ['name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
required: false, |
model: models.Department, |
attributes: ['name'] |
}] |
}); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = rslt; |
} catch (error) { |
console.log(error) |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取全市每日汇总表失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function getGovern(ctx) { |
try { |
const { date, areaId } = ctx.query; |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
let range = [moment(date).startOf('day').format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"), moment(date).endOf('day').format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")] |
let rslt = await models.ReportRectify.findAndCountAll({ |
where: { |
dateTime: { |
$between: range |
}, |
regionId: areaId |
}, |
include: [{ |
required: true, |
model: models.User, |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
required: false, |
model: models.Department, |
attributes: ['id', 'name'] |
}], |
limit: 1 |
}); |
ctx.status = 200; |
let obj = { count: 0 } |
if (rslt.count > 0) { |
obj.area = rslt.rows[0].department; |
obj.dateTime = rslt.rows[0].dateTime; |
obj.count = rslt.count; |
obj.user = rslt.rows[0].user; |
obj.isAudit = rslt.rows[0].isAudit |
} |
ctx.body = obj; |
} catch (error) { |
console.log(error) |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取排查整治汇总表失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function getGovernDetail(ctx) { |
try { |
const { name, date, areaId, pageSize, pageIndex } = ctx.query; |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
let range = [moment(date).startOf('day').format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"), moment(date).endOf('day').format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")] |
let whereObj = { |
dateTime: { |
$between: range |
}, |
regionId: areaId |
}; |
if (name) { |
whereObj.name = { $like: `%${name}%` } |
} |
let findObj = { |
where: whereObj, |
include: [{ |
required: true, |
model: models.User, |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
required: false, |
model: models.Department, |
attributes: ['id', 'name'] |
}], |
order: [['dateTime', 'desc']] |
}; |
if (Number(pageSize) > 0 && Number(pageIndex) >= 0) { |
findObj.limit = Number(pageSize); |
findObj.offset = Number(pageIndex) * Number(pageSize); |
} |
let rslt = await models.ReportRectify.findAndCountAll(findObj); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = rslt; |
} catch (error) { |
console.log(error) |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取排查整治汇总详情失败" |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* 确认整治汇总场所数据 |
* body { |
* governDetailIds:'1,2' |
* } |
*/ |
async function operateGovern(ctx, next) { |
try { |
const data = ctx.request.body; |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
if (data.governDetailIds && data.governDetailIds.length > 0) { |
await models.ReportRectify.update({ |
isAudit: true |
}, { where: { id: { $in: data.governDetailIds.split(',') } } }); |
ctx.body = { "message": "确认整治汇总下场所数据成功" }; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} else { |
ctx.body = { "message": "确认参数有误" }; |
ctx.status = 400; |
} |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "确认整治汇总下场所数据失败" } |
} |
} |
async function getSecurityRiskList(ctx) { |
try { |
const { name, date, areaId, pageSize, pageIndex } = ctx.query; |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
let whereObj = {}; |
let wheres = { |
audit1ManId: { $not: null }, |
audit2ManId: { $not: null } |
} |
if (areaId) { |
wheres.regionId = areaId; |
} |
if (name) |
whereObj = { name: { $like: `%${name}%` } } |
let findObj = { |
attributes: ['id', 'time', 'placeId', 'userId'], |
where: |
// time: {
// $between: range
// },
// regionId: areaId,
// audit1ManId: { $not: null },
// audit2ManId: { $not: null }
wheres |
, |
include: [{ |
required: true, |
model: models.Places, |
attributes: ['id', 'name'], |
where: whereObj |
}, { |
required: true, |
model: models.User, |
as: 'user', |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}], |
order: [['time', 'desc']] |
}; |
if (date) { |
let range = [moment(date).startOf('day').format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"), moment(date).endOf('day').format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")] |
findObj.where.time = { |
$between: range |
} |
} |
if (areaId) { |
findObj.where.regionId = areaId |
} |
if (Number(pageSize) > 0 && Number(pageIndex) >= 0) { |
findObj.limit = Number(pageSize); |
findObj.offset = Number(pageIndex) * Number(pageSize); |
} |
let rslt = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.findAndCountAll(findObj); |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = rslt; |
} catch (error) { |
console.log(error) |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取安全隐患排查详细数据列表失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function getHomeCount(ctx) { |
try { |
let { userId, departmentId, userRegionType } = ctx.params; |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const departmentRes = await models.Department.findOne({ where: { id: departmentId } }); |
if (userRegionType != 2 && userRegionType != 3 && !departmentRes) { |
ctx.body = { "message": "请求参数有误" }; |
ctx.status = 400; |
} else { |
let attentionRegionIds = [departmentRes.id]; |
let regionType = departmentRes.type; |
while (attentionRegionIds.length && regionType && regionType < 4) { |
const departmentChilds = await models.Department.findAll({ where: { dependence: { $in: attentionRegionIds } } }); |
regionType = departmentChilds.length ? departmentChilds[0].type : null; |
attentionRegionIds = departmentChilds.map(d => d.id); |
} |
let users = await models.User.findAll({ where: { departmentId: { $in: attentionRegionIds } }, attributes: ['id'] }); |
let userIds = users.map(u => u.id); |
let rslt = { recordCount: 0, reportCount: null } |
if (userIds.length) { |
let whereObj = { |
userId: { $in: userIds }, |
rejectManId: null, |
isDraft: false |
} |
if (userRegionType == 3) { |
whereObj.audit1ManId = null; |
} else { |
whereObj.audit1ManId = { $not: null }; |
whereObj.audit2ManId = null; |
} |
let recordCount = await models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord.count({ |
where: whereObj |
}); |
rslt.recordCount = recordCount; |
if (userRegionType == 2) { |
let reportCount = await models.ReportCollection.count({ |
where: { |
userId: null, |
regionId: departmentId |
} |
}); |
let reportRectify = await models.ReportRectify.findAll({ |
where: { |
userId: null, |
regionId: departmentId |
} |
}); |
let dateArr = []; |
reportRectify.map(r => { |
let date = moment(r.dateTime).format("YYYY-MM-DD"); |
if (!dateArr.includes(date)) { |
dateArr.push(date) |
} |
}) |
rslt.reportCount = reportCount + dateArr.length; |
} |
} |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = rslt; |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.log(error) |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { |
"message": "获取待处理数量失败" |
} |
} |
} |
async function operateReport(ctx, next) { |
try { |
let { id, userId } = ctx.params; |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
await models.ReportCollection.update({ |
userId: userId |
}, { where: { id: id } }); |
ctx.body = { "message": "每日汇总表上报成功" }; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "每日汇总表上报失败" } |
} |
} |
/** |
* 根据筛选条件获取用户审核报表信息 |
* @query { |
* approveUserId-审批人ID |
* reportType-报表类型(1-整治汇总表,2-每日汇总表,null-整治汇总表+每日汇总表) |
* timeRange-时间范围 |
* regionId-区域ID |
* state-审批状态 |
* pageIndex-页码 |
* pageSize-页宽 |
* } ctx |
*/ |
async function getApproveReportCollections(ctx, next) { |
try { |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
const { approveUserId, reportType, timeRange, regionId, state, pageIndex, pageSize } = ctx.query; |
let whereCondition = {}; |
if (approveUserId) { |
let approveUser = await models.User.findOne({ where: { id: approveUserId } }); |
if (approveUser) { |
const departmentRes = await models.Department.findOne({ where: { id: approveUser.departmentId } }); |
if (departmentRes.dependence) { |
if (departmentRes.type = 2) { |
whereCondition.regionId = departmentRes.id; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = { |
"count": 0, |
"rows": [] |
}; |
return; |
} |
} |
if (regionId) { |
let region = await models.Department.findOne({ where: { id: regionId } }); |
if (region) { |
if (whereCondition.regionId && whereCondition.regionId != regionId) { |
ctx.status = 200; |
ctx.body = { |
"count": 0, |
"rows": [] |
}; |
return; |
} else { |
whereCondition.regionId = regionId; |
} |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "区域不存在!" } |
return; |
} |
} |
let times = timeRange; |
if (timeRange && timeRange.indexOf(',')) { times = timeRange.split(',') } |
if (times && times.length > 0) { |
const len = times.length; |
whereCondition.dateTime = { |
$between: [ |
moment(times[0]).startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), |
moment(times[len - 1]).endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
] |
}; |
} |
switch (Number(state)) { |
case 1: //待审批:无审核人员
whereCondition.userId = null; |
break; |
case 2://已审批:有审核人员
whereCondition.userId = { $not: null }; |
break; |
default: break; |
} |
let findObj = { |
where: whereCondition, |
order: [["id", "desc"]], |
include: [{ |
model: models.User, |
attributes: ['name', 'username', 'phone'] |
}, { |
model: models.Department, |
attributes: ['id', 'name'] |
}] |
}; |
if (Number(pageSize) > 0 && Number(pageIndex) >= 0) { |
findObj.limit = Number(pageSize); |
findObj.offset = Number(pageIndex) * Number(pageSize); |
} |
switch (Number(reportType)) { |
case 1: //整治汇总表
ctx.body = await models.ReportRectify.findAndCountAll(findObj); |
break; |
case 2://每日汇总表
ctx.body = await models.ReportCollection.findAndCountAll(findObj); |
break; |
default: //整治汇总表+每日汇总表
const rectifies = await models.ReportRectify.findAndCountAll(findObj); |
const collections = await models.ReportCollection.findAndCountAll(findObj); |
ctx.body = { |
"totalCount": rectifies.count + collections.count, |
"totalRows": { |
"rectify": rectifies, |
"collection": collections |
} |
}; |
break; |
} |
ctx.status = 200; |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "用户不存在!" } |
} |
} else { |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "请传用户参数!" } |
} |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "获取审批报表信息失败" } |
} |
} |
/** |
* 上报排查整治汇总表 |
* query{ |
* userId:1,//上报用户
* } |
* body { |
* governDetailIds:'1,2' //排查整治汇总返回数据id字符串
* } |
*/ |
async function operateGovernReport(ctx, next) { |
try { |
let { userId } = ctx.params; |
const data = ctx.request.body; |
const models = ctx.fs.dc.models; |
if (data.governDetailIds && data.governDetailIds.length > 0) { |
await models.ReportRectify.update({ |
userId: userId |
}, { where: { id: { $in: data.governDetailIds.split(',') } } }); |
ctx.body = { "message": "上报排查整治汇总表成功" }; |
ctx.status = 200; |
} else { |
ctx.body = { "message": "上报排查整治汇总表参数有误" }; |
ctx.status = 400; |
} |
} catch (error) { |
ctx.fs.logger.error(`path: ${ctx.path}, error: ${error}`); |
ctx.status = 400; |
ctx.body = { "message": "上报排查整治汇总表失败" } |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
getDayReport, |
getGovern, |
getGovernDetail, |
operateGovern, |
getSecurityRiskList, |
getHomeCount, |
operateReport, |
getApproveReportCollections, |
operateGovernReport |
}; |
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const Places = sequelize.define("places", { |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: true, |
unique: "places_id_uindex" |
}, |
name: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "场所名称", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "name", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
describe: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "描述", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "describe", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
userId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "userId", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "id", |
model: "user" |
} |
}, |
}, { |
tableName: "places", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.Places = Places; |
const User = dc.models.User; |
Places.belongsTo(User, { foreignKey: 'userId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
User.hasMany(Places, { foreignKey: 'userId', sourceKey: 'id' }); |
return Places; |
}; |
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const Post = sequelize.define("post", { |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: true, |
unique: "post_id_uindex" |
}, |
name: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "name", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
departmentId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "department_id", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "id", |
model: "department" |
} |
} |
}, { |
tableName: "post", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.Post = Post; |
return Post; |
}; |
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const PostResource = sequelize.define("postResource", { |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: true, |
unique: "post_resource_id_uindex" |
}, |
postId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "post_id", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "id", |
model: "post" |
} |
}, |
resource: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "resource", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "code", |
model: "resource" |
} |
} |
}, { |
tableName: "post_resource", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.PostResource = PostResource; |
return PostResource; |
}; |
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const RegionType = sequelize.define("regionType", { |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: true, |
unique: "region_type_id_uindex" |
}, |
type: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "type", |
autoIncrement: false |
} |
}, { |
tableName: "region_type", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.RegionType = RegionType; |
return RegionType; |
}; |
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const ReportCollection = sequelize.define("reportCollection", { |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: true, |
unique: "report_collection_id_uindex" |
}, |
regionId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "县区(id)", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "regionId", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
dateTime: { |
type: DataTypes.DATE, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "dateTime", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
placeCount: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "场所总数", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "placeCount", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
hiddenDangerCount: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "排查隐患总数", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "hiddenDangerCount", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
hiddenDangerItem12Count: { |
type: DataTypes.JSON, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "排查隐患详细类目 1-12 项 总数", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "hiddenDangerItem12Count", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
userId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "填报人(县区联络员)", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "userId", |
autoIncrement: false |
} |
}, { |
tableName: "report_collection", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.ReportCollection = ReportCollection; |
const User = dc.models.User; |
ReportCollection.belongsTo(User, { foreignKey: 'userId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
User.hasMany(ReportCollection, { foreignKey: 'userId', sourceKey: 'id' }); |
const Department = dc.models.Department; |
ReportCollection.belongsTo(Department, { foreignKey: 'regionId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
Department.hasMany(ReportCollection, { foreignKey: 'regionId', sourceKey: 'id' }); |
return ReportCollection; |
}; |
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const ReportConfigition = sequelize.define("reportConfigition", { |
reportName: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "报表名称", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "reportName", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
regionId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "区域id", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "regionId", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
reportTypeId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "报表类型", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "reportTypeId", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "id", |
model: "reportType" |
} |
}, |
excuteTime: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "生成时间 cron表达式", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "excuteTime", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
isEnable: { |
type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "启用状态", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "isEnable", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "序号", |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: true, |
unique: "report_configition_id_uindex" |
} |
}, { |
tableName: "report_configition", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.ReportConfigition = ReportConfigition; |
return ReportConfigition; |
}; |
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const ReportCountyCollect = sequelize.define("reportCountyCollect", { |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.BIGINT, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "序号", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
name: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "名称", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "name", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
address: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "地址", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "address", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
hiddenDanger: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "排查发现隐患", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "hiddenDanger", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
correctiveAction: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "采取措施", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "correctiveAction", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
punishment: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "实施处罚,强制措施情况", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "punishment", |
autoIncrement: false |
} |
}, { |
tableName: "report_countyCollect", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.ReportCountyCollect = ReportCountyCollect; |
return ReportCountyCollect; |
}; |
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const ReportDownManage = sequelize.define("reportDownManage", { |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: "nextval(\"report_downManage_id_seq\"::regclass)", |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: false, |
unique: "report_downmanage_id_uindex" |
}, |
reportName: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "报表名称", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "reportName", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
regionId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "区域id", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "regionId", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "id", |
model: "department" |
} |
}, |
reportTypeId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "报表类型id\n1.整治表\n2.汇总表", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "reportTypeId", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "id", |
model: "reportType" |
} |
}, |
filePath: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "文件路径", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "filePath", |
autoIncrement: false, |
}, |
creatTime: { |
type: DataTypes.DATE, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "creatTime", |
autoIncrement: false |
} |
}, { |
tableName: "report_downManage", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.ReportDownManage = ReportDownManage; |
const { ReportType, Department } = dc.models; |
ReportDownManage.belongsTo(ReportType, { foreignKey: 'reportTypeId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
ReportDownManage.belongsTo(Department, { foreignKey: 'regionId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
return ReportDownManage; |
}; |
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const ReportRectify = sequelize.define("reportRectify", { |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.BIGINT, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: "nextval(\"report_countyCollect_id_seq\"::regclass)", |
comment: "序号", |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: false, |
unique: "report_countycollect_id_uindex" |
}, |
regionId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "县区(id)", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "regionId", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
dateTime: { |
type: DataTypes.DATE, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "dateTime", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
name: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "名称", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "name", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
address: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "地址", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "address", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
hiddenDanger: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "排查发现隐患", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "hiddenDanger", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
correctiveAction: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "采取措施", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "correctiveAction", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
punishment: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "实施处罚,强制措施情况", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "punishment", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
userId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "web端上报", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "userId", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
isAudit: { |
type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "市级 确认审核", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "isAudit", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
}, { |
tableName: "report_rectify", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.ReportRectify = ReportRectify; |
const User = dc.models.User; |
ReportRectify.belongsTo(User, { foreignKey: 'userId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
User.hasMany(ReportRectify, { foreignKey: 'userId', sourceKey: 'id' }); |
const Department = dc.models.Department; |
ReportRectify.belongsTo(Department, { foreignKey: 'regionId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
Department.hasMany(ReportRectify, { foreignKey: 'regionId', sourceKey: 'id' }); |
return ReportRectify; |
}; |
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const ReportType = sequelize.define("reportType", { |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
name: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "name", |
autoIncrement: false |
} |
}, { |
tableName: "report_type", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.ReportType = ReportType; |
return ReportType; |
}; |
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const Resource = sequelize.define("resource", { |
code: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "code", |
autoIncrement: false, |
unique: "resource_code_uindex" |
}, |
name: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "name", |
autoIncrement: false, |
unique: "resource_name_uindex" |
}, |
parentResource: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "parent_resource", |
autoIncrement: false |
} |
}, { |
tableName: "resource", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.Resource = Resource; |
return Resource; |
}; |
@ -1,311 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const UserPlaceSecurityRecord = sequelize.define("userPlaceSecurityRecord", { |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.BIGINT, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "id", |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: true, |
unique: "user_placesecurityrecord_id_uindex" |
}, |
time: { |
type: DataTypes.DATE, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "录入时间", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "time", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
placeId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "场所id", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "placeId", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "id", |
model: "places" |
} |
}, |
hiddenDangerItem12: { |
type: DataTypes.JSON, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "12项隐患信息", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "hiddenDangerItem12", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
description: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "存在具体问题描述", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "description", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
audit1ManId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "乡镇人审核", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "audit1ManId", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "id", |
model: "user" |
} |
}, |
audit2ManId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "区县人复核", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "audit2ManId", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "id", |
model: "user" |
} |
}, |
regionId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "所属县/区", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "regionId", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "id", |
model: "department" |
} |
}, |
userId: { |
type: DataTypes.BIGINT, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "用户id,填报人", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "userId", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
placeType: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "场所性质", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "placeType", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
address: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "场所地址", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "address", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
phone: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "负责人手机号", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "phone", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
dimension: { |
type: DataTypes.REAL, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "面积", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "dimension", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
floors: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "多少层", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "floors", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
numberOfPeople: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "常住人数", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "numberOfPeople", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
location: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "经纬度", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "location", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
isEnable: { |
type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "是否为合用场所", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "isEnable", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
rejectManId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "驳回人", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "rejectManId", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "id", |
model: "user" |
} |
}, |
rejectReasons: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "驳回意见", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "rejectReasons", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
isDraft: { |
type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "是否草稿", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "isDraft", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
placeOwner: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "场所负责人", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "placeOwner", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
localtionDescribe: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "经纬度定位描述", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "localtionDescribe", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
correctiveAction: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "采取措施", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "correctiveAction", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
type: { |
type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "是否重新发起", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "type", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
punishment: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "实施处罚,强制措施情况", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "punishment", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
audit1ManIdTime: { |
type: DataTypes.DATE, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "乡镇人审核时间", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "audit1ManIdTime", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
audit2ManIdTime: { |
type: DataTypes.DATE, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "区县人复核时间", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "audit2ManIdTime", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
rejectTime: { |
type: DataTypes.DATE, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: "驳回日期", |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "rejectTime", |
autoIncrement: false |
}, |
departmentId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: true, |
defaultValue: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "department_id", |
autoIncrement: false, |
}, |
}, { |
tableName: "user_placeSecurityRecord", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.UserPlaceSecurityRecord = UserPlaceSecurityRecord; |
const Places = dc.models.Places; |
UserPlaceSecurityRecord.belongsTo(Places, { foreignKey: 'placeId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
Places.hasMany(UserPlaceSecurityRecord, { foreignKey: 'placeId', sourceKey: 'id' }); |
const User = dc.models.User; |
UserPlaceSecurityRecord.belongsTo(User, { as: 'user', foreignKey: 'userId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
User.hasMany(UserPlaceSecurityRecord, { foreignKey: 'userId', sourceKey: 'id' }); |
UserPlaceSecurityRecord.belongsTo(User, { as: 'audit1ManUser', foreignKey: 'audit1ManId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
UserPlaceSecurityRecord.belongsTo(User, { as: 'audit2ManUser', foreignKey: 'audit2ManId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
UserPlaceSecurityRecord.belongsTo(User, { as: 'rejectManUser', foreignKey: 'rejectManId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
return UserPlaceSecurityRecord; |
}; |
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-disable*/ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = dc => { |
const DataTypes = dc.ORM; |
const sequelize = dc.orm; |
const UserResource = sequelize.define("userResource", { |
id: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: true, |
field: "id", |
autoIncrement: true, |
unique: "post_resource_id_uindex" |
}, |
userId: { |
type: DataTypes.INTEGER, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "user_id", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "id", |
model: "post" |
} |
}, |
resourceId: { |
type: DataTypes.STRING, |
allowNull: false, |
defaultValue: null, |
comment: null, |
primaryKey: false, |
field: "resource", |
autoIncrement: false, |
references: { |
key: "code", |
model: "resource" |
} |
} |
}, { |
tableName: "user_resource", |
comment: "", |
indexes: [] |
}); |
dc.models.UserResource = UserResource; |
const User = dc.models.User; |
UserResource.belongsTo(User, { foreignKey: 'userId', targetKey: 'id' }); |
User.hasMany(UserResource, { foreignKey: 'userId', sourceKey: 'id' }); |
const Resource = dc.models.Resource; |
UserResource.belongsTo(Resource, { foreignKey: 'resourceId', targetKey: 'code' }); |
Resource.hasMany(UserResource, { foreignKey: 'resourceId', sourceKey: 'code' }); |
Resource.hasMany(Resource, { foreignKey: 'parentResource', sourceKey: 'code' }); |
return UserResource; |
}; |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const Approval = require('../../controllers/approval/index'); |
module.exports = function (app, router, opts) { |
/** |
* @api {POST} approval/submit 提交审批、驳回修改. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup Approval |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/approval/submit'] = { content: '提交审批、驳回修改', visible: true }; |
router.post('/approval/submit', Approval.submitApproval); |
}; |
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const common = require('../../controllers/common'); |
module.exports = function (app, router, opts) { |
router.get('/data-dictionary/:model', common.getDataDictionary); |
router.put('/data-dictionary/:model', common.putDataDictionary); |
}; |
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const Department = require('../../controllers/department/index'); |
module.exports = function (app, router, opts) { |
/** |
* @api {GET} counties/list 获取南昌市下所有区县. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup Department |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/counties/list'] = { content: '获取南昌市下所有区县', visible: true }; |
router.get('/counties/list', Department.getCountiesList); |
}; |
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const Authority = require('../../controllers/organization/authority'); |
module.exports = function (app, router, opts) { |
/** |
* @api {GET} resource 查询所有权限码. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup Org |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/resource'] = { content: '查询所有权限码', visible: true }; |
router.get('resource', Authority.getResource); |
/** |
* @api {GET} user/resource 查询用户权限. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup Org |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/user/resource'] = { content: '查询用户权限', visible: true }; |
router.get('user/resource', Authority.getUserResource); |
/** |
* @api {POST} user/resource 更新用户权限. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup Org |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['POST/user/resource'] = { content: '更新用户权限', visible: true }; |
router.post('user/resource', Authority.updateUserRes); |
}; |
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const user = require('../../controllers/organization/user'); |
module.exports = function (app, router, opts) { |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/organization/department'] = { content: '获取部门信息', visible: false }; |
router.get('/organization/department', user.getDepMessage); |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/organization/department/:depId/user'] = { content: '获取部门下用户信息', visible: false }; |
router.get('/organization/department/:depId/user', user.getUser); |
app.fs.api.logAttr['POST/organization/department/user'] = { content: '创建部门下用户信息', visible: false }; |
router.post('/organization/department/user', user.creatUser); |
app.fs.api.logAttr['PUT/organization/department/user/:id'] = { content: '修改部门下用户信息', visible: false }; |
router.put('/organization/department/user/:id', user.updateUser); |
app.fs.api.logAttr['DEL/organization/department/user/:ids'] = { content: '删除部门下用户信息', visible: false }; |
router.del('/organization/department/user/:ids', user.deleteUser); |
app.fs.api.logAttr['PUT/organization/department/user/resetPwd/:id'] = { content: '重置用户密码', visible: false }; |
router.put('/organization/department/user/resetPwd/:id', user.resetPwd); |
/** |
* @api {PUT} user/password/:id 修改用户密码 |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup Organization |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['PUT/user/password/:userId'] = { content: '修改用户密码', visible: false }; |
router.put('/user/password/:userId', user.updateUserPassword); |
}; |
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const placeSecurityRecord = require('../../controllers/placeSecurityRecord'); |
module.exports = function (app, router, opts) { |
/** |
* @api {POST} /add/placeSecurityRecord 提交填报信息/保存填报草稿. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup placeSecurityRecord |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['POST/add/placeSecurityRecord'] = { content: '提交填报信息/保存填报草稿', visible: true }; |
router.post('/add/placeSecurityRecord', placeSecurityRecord.addPlaceSecurityRecord); |
/** |
* @api {PUT} /placeSecurityRecord/:id 编辑填报信息. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup placeSecurityRecord |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['PUT/placeSecurityRecord/:id'] = { content: '编辑填报信息', visible: true }; |
router.put('/placeSecurityRecord/:id', placeSecurityRecord.editPlaceSecurityRecord); |
/** |
* @api {PUT} /placeSecurityRecord/:id 修改type字段 |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup placeSecurityRecord |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['PUT/updateType/:id'] = { content: '修改type字段', visible: true }; |
router.put('/updateType/:id', placeSecurityRecord.updateType); |
/** |
* @api {DELETE} /placeSecurityRecord/:id 删除填报信息. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup placeSecurityRecord |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['DELETE/placeSecurityRecord/:id'] = { content: '删除填报信息', visible: true }; |
router.del('/placeSecurityRecord/:id', placeSecurityRecord.deletePlaceSecurityRecord); |
/** |
* @api {GET} /placeSecurityRecord/:id 根据填报信息ID查询填报信息. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup placeSecurityRecord |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/placeSecurityRecord/:id'] = { content: '根据填报信息ID查询填报信息', visible: true }; |
router.get('/placeSecurityRecord/:id', placeSecurityRecord.getPlaceSecurityRecordById); |
/** |
* @api {GET} /recently/placeSecurityRecord/:placeId 根据场所ID获取该场所最近用户填报信息. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup placeSecurityRecord |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/recently/placeSecurityRecord/:placeId'] = { content: '根据场所ID获取该场所最近用户填报信息', visible: true }; |
router.get('/recently/placeSecurityRecord/:placeId', placeSecurityRecord.getRecentlyPlaceSecurityRecordByPlaceId); |
/** |
* @api {GET} /placeSecurityRecords 根据筛选条件获取用户填报信息. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup placeSecurityRecord |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/placeSecurityRecords'] = { content: '根据筛选条件获取用户填报信息', visible: true }; |
router.get('/placeSecurityRecords', placeSecurityRecord.getPlaceSecurityRecords); |
/** |
* @api {GET} /approve/placeSecurityRecords 根据筛选条件获取用户审批填报信息. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup placeSecurityRecord |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/approve/placeSecurityRecords'] = { content: '根据筛选条件获取用户审批填报信息', visible: true }; |
router.get('/approve/placeSecurityRecords', placeSecurityRecord.getApprovePlaceSecurityRecords); |
}; |
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const places = require('../../controllers/places'); |
module.exports = function (app, router, opts) { |
/** |
* @api {GET} /user/places/:userId 根据用户ID获取该用户创建的所有场所信息. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup places |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/user/places/:userId'] = { content: '根据用户ID获取该用户创建的所有场所信息', visible: true }; |
router.get('/user/places/:userId', places.getPlacesByUserId); |
/** |
* @api {GET} /approveUser/places/:approveUserId 根据审批用户ID获取该审批用户范围内填报人创建的场所信息. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup places |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/approveUser/places/:approveUserId'] = { content: '根据审批用户ID获取该审批用户范围内填报人创建的场所信息', visible: true }; |
router.get('/approveUser/places/:approveUserId', places.getPlacesByApproveUserId); |
/** |
* @api {GET} /all/places 获取所有场所信息. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup places |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/all/places'] = { content: '获取所有场所信息', visible: true }; |
router.get('/all/places', places.getAllPlaces); |
}; |
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const report = require('../../controllers/report'); |
const reportConfig = require('../../controllers/report/config') |
const reportRectify = require('../../controllers/report/compile') |
module.exports = function (app, router, opts) { |
/** |
* @api {GET} report 报表. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup report |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/report/list'] = { content: '报表下载列表', visible: true }; |
router.get('/report/list', report.getReportList); |
// 报表配置
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/allAreas'] = { content: '获取全部区域', visible: true }; |
router.get('/allAreas', reportConfig.getAreas); |
app.fs.api.logAttr['POST/report/config'] = { content: '添加报表配置', visible: true }; |
router.post('/report/config', reportConfig.addReportConfig); |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/report/config'] = { content: '获取报表配置', visible: true }; |
router.get('/report/config', reportConfig.getReportConfig); |
app.fs.api.logAttr['PUT/report/:reportId/config'] = { content: '编辑报表配置', visible: true }; |
router.put('/report/:reportId/config', reportConfig.editReportConfig); |
app.fs.api.logAttr['DEL/report/:reportId/config'] = { content: '删除报表配置', visible: true }; |
router.del('/report/:reportId/config', reportConfig.delReportConfig); |
// 报表编辑
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/report/rectify'] = { content: '获取合用场所安全隐患排查整治汇总表', visible: true }; |
router.get('/report/rectify', reportRectify.getReportRectify); |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/report/rectify/detail'] = { content: '获取合用场所安全隐患排查整治汇总表详情', visible: true }; |
router.get('/report/rectify/detail', reportRectify.getReportRectifyDetail); |
app.fs.api.logAttr['POST/report/rectify/detail'] = { content: '保存合用场所安全隐患排查整治汇总表编辑信息', visible: true }; |
router.post('/report/rectify/detail', reportRectify.compileReportRectifyDetail); |
}; |
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const statistic = require('../../controllers/statistic') |
module.exports = function (app, router, opts) { |
/** |
* @api {GET} getGovern 获取数据中台. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup wxReport |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/daily/report/data/statistic'] = { content: '获取数据中台', visible: true }; |
router.get('/daily/report/data/statistic', statistic.reportDailyStatistic); |
/** |
* @api {GET} getGovern 获取数据中台地区填报数量. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup wxReport |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/daily/report/area/statistic'] = { content: '获取数据中台地区填报数量', visible: true }; |
router.get('/daily/report/area/statistic', statistic.reportAreaStatistic); |
/** |
* @api {GET} getGovern 获取填报管理数据. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup wxReport |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/report/management/statistic'] = { content: '获取填报管理数据', visible: true }; |
router.get('/report/management/statistic', statistic.dangerAreaQuery); |
} |
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const wxReport = require('../../controllers/wxReport/index'); |
module.exports = function (app, router, opts) { |
/*******************首页-市级***************************/ |
/** |
* @api {GET} getDayReport 获取每日汇总. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup wxReport |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/getDayReport'] = { content: '获取每日汇总', visible: true }; |
router.get('/getDayReport', wxReport.getDayReport); |
/** |
* @api {GET} getGovern 获取排查整治汇总. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup wxReport |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/getGovern'] = { content: '获取排查整治汇总', visible: true }; |
router.get('/getGovern', wxReport.getGovern); |
/** |
* @api {GET} getGovernDetail 获取排查整治汇总详情. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup wxReport |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/getGovernDetail'] = { content: '获取排查整治汇总详情', visible: true }; |
router.get('/getGovernDetail', wxReport.getGovernDetail); |
/** |
* @api {PUT} /operateGovern 确认整治汇总场所数据. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup wxReport |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['PUT/operateGovern'] = { content: '确认整治汇总场所数据', visible: true }; |
router.put('/operateGovern', wxReport.operateGovern); |
/** |
* @api {GET} getSecurityRiskList 获取安全隐患排查详细数据列表. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup wxReport |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/getSecurityRiskList'] = { content: '获取安全隐患排查详细数据列表', visible: true }; |
router.get('/getSecurityRiskList', wxReport.getSecurityRiskList); |
/** |
* @api {GET} /getHomeCount/:userId/:departmentId/:userRegionType 获取待处理数量. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup wxReport |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/getHomeCount/:userId/:departmentId/:userRegionType'] = { content: '获取待处理数量', visible: true }; |
router.get('/getHomeCount/:userId/:departmentId/:userRegionType', wxReport.getHomeCount); |
/** |
* @api {PUT} /operateReport/:id/:userId 每日汇总表上报. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup wxReport |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['PUT/operateReport/:id/:userId'] = { content: '每日汇总表上报', visible: true }; |
router.put('/operateReport/:id/:userId', wxReport.operateReport); |
/** |
* @api {GET} /approve/reportCollections 根据筛选条件获取用户审核报表信息. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup wxReport |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['GET/approve/reportCollections'] = { content: '根据筛选条件获取用户审核报表信息', visible: true }; |
router.get('/approve/reportCollections', wxReport.getApproveReportCollections); |
/** |
* @api {PUT} /operateGovernReport/:userId 上报排查整治汇总表. |
* @apiVersion 1.0.0 |
* @apiGroup wxReport |
*/ |
app.fs.api.logAttr['PUT/operateGovernReport/:userId'] = { content: '上报排查整治汇总表', visible: true }; |
router.put('/operateGovernReport/:userId', wxReport.operateGovernReport); |
} |
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