2 years ago
10 changed files with 455 additions and 44 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
import { basicAction } from '@peace/utils' |
import { ApiTable } from '$utils' |
export function getTask(query) { |
return dispatch => basicAction({ |
type: 'get', |
dispatch: dispatch, |
query: query, |
actionType: 'GET_TASK', |
url: ApiTable.getTask, |
msg: { error: '获取任务信息' }, |
reducer: { name: 'task' } |
}); |
} |
export function delTask(query) { |
return dispatch => basicAction({ |
type: 'del', |
dispatch: dispatch, |
actionType: 'DEL_TASK', |
url: ApiTable.delTask.replace("{taskId}", query?.id), |
msg: { option: '删除任务信息' }, |
}); |
} |
export function editTask(query) { |
return dispatch => basicAction({ |
type: 'put', |
dispatch: dispatch, |
data: query, |
actionType: 'GET_TASK', |
url: ApiTable.editTask, |
msg: { error: '编辑或新增任务信息' }, |
}); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ |
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; |
import { Modal, Form, Input, Select, Button } from 'antd'; |
import { connect } from 'react-redux'; |
import { getRoadway } from '../../actions/infor' |
import { getUserList } from '../../actions/patrol'; |
import { editTask } from '../../actions/task'; |
const AddModal = (props) => { |
const { dispatch, recordRow, visible, onClose, user, lookVal } = props |
const { TextArea } = Input |
const [form] = Form.useForm() |
const [inputVal, setIputVal] = useState(undefined) |
const [selectVal, setSelectVal] = useState('') |
const [roadRes, setRoadRes] = useState([])//路线列表
const [userList, setUserList] = useState([])//用户列表
useEffect(async () => { |
const res = await dispatch(getUserList()) |
setUserList(res?.payload.data) |
}, [true]) |
const onChange = () => { |
} |
useEffect(() => { |
form.setFieldsValue(recordRow ? { 'name': recordRow?.road.routeName, 'code': recordRow?.road.routeCode, 'danger': recordRow?.dangerDescription, 'user': recordRow?.user.name } : {}) |
}, [recordRow]) |
useEffect(async () => { |
const res = await dispatch(getRoadway({})) |
setRoadRes(res?.payload.data) |
}, []) |
const handleSaveUpdate = () => { |
form.validateFields().then((values) => { |
console.log('VALUES', values) |
const val = { |
routeCode: values.code, |
dangerDescription: values.danger, |
name: values.user, |
id: recordRow?.id |
} |
dispatch(editTask(val)).then(res => { |
if (res.success) { |
onClose() |
form.resetFields() |
} |
}) |
}) |
} |
return ( |
<Modal visible={visible} |
title={lookVal ? '查看' : recordRow ? '编辑任务' : '新增数据'} |
onCancel={() => { |
onClose() |
}} |
onOk={ |
handleSaveUpdate |
} |
okButtonProps={{ |
disabled: lookVal ? true : false, |
}} |
cancelButtonProps={{ |
disabled: lookVal ? true : false, |
}} |
> |
<Form form={form}> |
<Form.Item |
label="路线名称" |
name="name" |
rules={[{ required: true, message: '路线名称' }]} > |
<Select |
disabled={lookVal ? true : false} |
allowClear='true' |
showSearch |
placeholder="请输入关键词" |
onChange={(value) => { |
console.log('value', value) |
onChange() |
setSelectVal(value) |
}} |
filterOption={(input, option) => |
(option?.label ?? '').toLowerCase().includes(input.toLowerCase()) |
} |
options={roadRes?.map((item) => ({ |
label: item.routeName, |
value: item.routeCode |
}) |
)} |
/> |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item |
label="路线代码" |
name="code" |
rules={[{ required: true, message: '路线代码' }]}> |
<Select |
disabled={lookVal ? true : false} |
placeholder="请输入关键词" |
value={selectVal} |
> |
<Select.Option key={selectVal}>{selectVal}</Select.Option> |
</Select> |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item |
label="隐患说明" |
name="danger" |
rules={[{ required: true, message: '隐患说明' }]}> |
<TextArea disabled={lookVal ? true : false} /> |
</Form.Item> |
<Form.Item |
label="责任人" |
name="user" |
rules={[{ required: true, message: '责任人' }]}> |
<Select |
disabled={lookVal ? true : false} |
allowClear='true' |
showSearch |
placeholder="请输入负责人" |
options={userList?.map((item) => ({ |
label: item.name, |
value: item.name |
}) |
)} |
/> |
</Form.Item> |
{lookVal ? <Form.Item |
label="下发时间" |
name="issuanceTime" |
> |
<Input disabled={lookVal ? true : false} /> |
</Form.Item> : ''} |
{lookVal ? <Form.Item |
label="图片说明" |
name="picture" |
> |
<Input disabled={lookVal ? true : false} /> |
</Form.Item> : ''} |
</Form> |
</Modal > |
) |
} |
function mapStateToProps(state) { |
const { auth } = state |
return { |
user: auth.user, |
} |
} |
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(AddModal) |
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ |
'use strict'; |
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; |
import { connect } from 'react-redux'; |
import { Button, Table, Spin, Select, Divider, Popconfirm } from 'antd'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import { debounce } from 'lodash' |
import AddModal from '../components/task/addTaskModal'; |
import { getRoadway } from '../actions/infor' |
import { getTask } from '../actions/task' |
import { delTask } from '../actions/task' |
const Task = (props) => { |
const { dispatch, isRequesting } = props |
const [addModalVis, setAddModalVis] = useState(false) |
const [roadRes, setRoadRes] = useState([])//路线列表
const [selectVal, setSelectVal] = useState('all')//选择框得值
const [inputVal, setIputVal] = useState(undefined) |
const [taskRes, setTaskRes] = useState([]) |
const [recordRow, setRecordRow] = useState(null) |
const [lookVal, setLookval] = useState('') |
useEffect(async () => { |
const res = await dispatch(getRoadway({})) |
setRoadRes(res.payload.data) |
}, []) |
const getData = async (querySelect = { id: inputVal, isdanger: selectVal === 'all' ? undefined : selectVal === 'y' ? true : false }) => { |
console.log('getData', inputVal, selectVal) |
const task = await dispatch(getTask(querySelect)) |
setTaskRes(task.payload?.data) |
} |
useEffect(async () => { |
getData() |
}, []) |
const searchRoadName = async (value) => { |
const task = await dispatch(getTask({ id: value, isdanger: selectVal === 'all' ? undefined : selectVal === 'y' ? true : false })) |
setTaskRes(task.payload?.data) |
setIputVal(value) |
} |
const changeSelect = async (value) => { |
console.log('value', value) |
const task1 = await dispatch(getTask({ id: inputVal, isdanger: value === 'all' ? undefined : value === 'y' ? true : false })) |
setTaskRes(task1.payload?.data) |
setSelectVal(value) |
} |
const delTaskHandler = async (record) => { |
const res = await dispatch(delTask({ id: record.id })) |
if (res.success) { |
const task = await getData() |
setTaskRes(task.payload?.data) |
} |
} |
const look = (record) => { |
setAddModalVis(true) |
setLookval(record) |
setRecordRow(record); |
} |
const columns = [{ |
title: '路线名称', |
render: (_, record) => { |
return <div>{record.road.routeName}</div> |
} |
}, |
{ |
title: '路线代码', |
render: (_, record) => { |
return <div>{record.road.routeCode}</div> |
} |
}, |
{ |
title: '隐患说明', |
dataIndex: 'dangerDescription', |
}, |
{ |
title: '下发时间', |
render: (_, record) => { |
return <div>{record.issuanceTime ? moment(record?.issuanceTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') : ''}</div> |
} |
}, |
{ |
title: '责任人', |
render: (_, record) => { |
return <div>{record.user.name}</div> |
} |
}, |
{ |
title: '是否消除隐患', |
render: (_, record) => { |
return <div>{record.isdanger === null ? '' : record.isdanger === 'true' ? '是' : '否'}</div> |
} |
}, |
{ |
title: '上报时间', |
render: (_, record) => { |
return <div>{record.reportTime ? moment(record.reportTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') : ''}</div> |
} |
}, |
{ |
title: '操作', |
render: (dom, record) => { |
return <div> |
{record.reportTime ? <Button type='link' onClick={() => { |
setRecordRow(record); |
setAddModalVis(true) |
}}>编辑</Button> : ''} |
<Popconfirm title='确定要删除吗?' onConfirm={() => { delTaskHandler(record) }}><Button type='link'>刪除</Button></Popconfirm> |
<Button type='link' onClick={() => { look(record) }}>查看</Button> |
</div> |
} |
}, |
] |
const paginationOpt = { |
defaultCurrent: 1, |
defaultPageSize: 5, |
total: taskRes?.count, |
showSizeChanger: true, |
showQuickJumper: true, |
pageSizeOptions: ["5", "10", "15"], |
showTotal: function () { |
return `共有${taskRes?.count}条` |
} |
} |
return (<div className='taskMenu'> |
<div style={{ display: 'flex', flexWrap: ' nowrap', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> |
<div style={{ marginLeft: 20 }}> |
路线名称: <Select |
allowClear='true' |
loading={isRequesting} |
showSearch |
placeholder="请输入关键词" |
onChange={(value) => { searchRoadName(value) }} |
//onSearch={(value) => { console.log('11111', value) }}
filterOption={(input, option) => |
(option?.label ?? '').toLowerCase().includes(input.toLowerCase()) |
} |
options={roadRes?.map((item) => ({ |
label: item.routeName, |
value: item.id |
}) |
)} |
/> |
</div> |
<div> |
是否存在安全隐患: <Select placeholder='请输入关键词' |
options={[{ value: 'all', label: '全部' }, { value: 'y', label: '是' }, { value: 'n', label: '否' }]} |
onChange={(value) => { changeSelect(value) }}> |
</Select> |
</div> |
<div > |
<Button type='primary' onClick={() => { setRecordRow(null); setAddModalVis(true) }}>新增</Button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<Divider style={{ marginTop: 10 }} /> |
<Table columns={columns} dataSource={taskRes?.rows} size="small" pagination={paginationOpt}> |
</Table> |
<AddModal visible={addModalVis} onClose={() => { setAddModalVis(false); getData(); setRecordRow(null); setLookval(null) }} recordRow={recordRow} |
lookVal={lookVal} |
></AddModal> |
</div >) |
} |
function mapStateToProps(state) { |
const { auth } = state; |
return { |
user: auth.user, |
error: auth.error, |
isRequesting: auth.isRequesting, |
} |
} |
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Task); |
Reference in new issue