2 years ago
9 changed files with 189 additions and 489 deletions
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ |
const moment = require('moment') |
const TEST = false |
// const TEST = true
module.exports = function (app, opts) { |
const mettingGenerate = app.fs.scheduleInit( |
{ |
interval: '0 0 0 */1 * *', |
immediate: TEST, |
proRun: !TEST, |
}, |
async () => { |
try { |
const { models } = app.fs.dc |
const today = moment() |
const date = today.date() |
const dateFormat = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') |
let sites = await models.Site.findAll({ |
where: { del: false }, |
attributes: ['id', 'name'] |
}); |
let datasM = [], datasB = [], datasD = [], datas6 = [] |
sites.map(s => { |
datasM.push({ |
siteId: s.id, |
type: '月度安全例会', |
date: dateFormat |
}); |
datasB.push({ |
siteId: s.id, |
type: '班前会', |
date: dateFormat |
}); |
datasD.push({ |
siteId: s.id, |
type: '日调度会', |
date: dateFormat |
}); |
datas6.push({ |
siteId: s.id, |
type: '逢六教育培训', |
date: dateFormat |
}) |
}) |
if (date == 1) { |
await models.Metting.bulkCreate(datasM) |
} |
await models.Metting.bulkCreate(datasB) |
await models.Metting.bulkCreate(datasD) |
if (parseInt(date) % 10 == 6) { |
await models.Metting.bulkCreate(datas6) |
} |
} catch (error) { |
app.fs.logger.error(`sechedule: mettingGenerate, error: ${error}`); |
} |
} |
); |
return { |
mettingGenerate |
} |
} |
@ -1,415 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const moment = require('moment') |
const request = require('superagent'); |
module.exports = function (app, opts) { |
async function memberList ({ |
keywordTarget, keyword, limit, page, state, |
hiredateStart, hiredateEnd, marital, native, workPlace, |
orderBy, orderDirection, |
nowAttendanceTime, |
overtimeDayStatisticStartDate, overtimeDayStatisticendDate, |
overtimeCountStatistic, overtimeCountStatisticStartDate, overtimeCountStatisticendDate, |
vacateDayStatisticStartDate, vacateDayStatisticendDate, |
vacateDurationStatistic, vacateCountStatistic, vacateCountStatisticStartDate, vacateCountStatisticendDate |
}) { |
const { judgeHoliday } = app.fs.utils |
const { clickHouse } = app.fs |
const { database: pepEmis } = clickHouse.pepEmis.opts.config |
const curDay = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') |
const nowTime = moment() |
let whereOption = [] |
let whereFromSelectOption = [] |
let returnEmpty = false |
if (state == 'inOffice') { |
// 在岗
const holidayJudge = await judgeHoliday(curDay) |
if (holidayJudge) { |
if ( |
holidayJudge.workday |
&& nowTime.isAfter(moment(curDay + ' 08:30')) |
&& nowTime.isBefore(moment(curDay + ' 17:30')) |
) { |
// 在工作日的工作时间范围 无请假记录
whereFromSelectOption.push(`vacateStartTime = '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000'`) |
} else { |
returnEmpty = true |
} |
} else { |
returnEmpty = true |
} |
} |
if (state == 'dayoff') { |
// 放假
const holidayJudge = await judgeHoliday(curDay) |
if (holidayJudge) { |
if ( |
holidayJudge.dayoff || holidayJudge.festivals |
) { |
// 在休息日范围内且无加班申请
whereFromSelectOption.push(`overtimeStartTime = '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000'`) |
} else { |
returnEmpty = true |
} |
} else { |
returnEmpty = true |
} |
} |
if (returnEmpty) { |
return { |
count: 0, |
rows: [] |
} |
} |
let overtimeDayStatisticWhere = [] |
if (overtimeDayStatisticStartDate) { |
overtimeDayStatisticWhere.push(`overtime_day.day >= '${moment(overtimeDayStatisticStartDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD')}'`) |
} |
if (overtimeDayStatisticendDate) { |
overtimeDayStatisticWhere.push(`overtime_day.day <= '${moment(overtimeDayStatisticendDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD')}'`) |
} |
let overtimeCountStatisticWhere = [] |
if (overtimeCountStatisticStartDate) { |
overtimeCountStatisticWhere.push(`overtime.start_time >= '${moment(overtimeCountStatisticStartDate).startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}'`) |
} |
if (overtimeCountStatisticendDate) { |
overtimeCountStatisticWhere.push(`overtime.end_time <= '${moment(overtimeCountStatisticendDate).endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}'`) |
} |
let vacateDayStatisticWhere = [] |
if (vacateDayStatisticStartDate) { |
vacateDayStatisticWhere.push(`vacate_day.day >= '${moment(vacateDayStatisticStartDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD')}'`) |
} |
if (vacateDayStatisticendDate) { |
vacateDayStatisticWhere.push(`vacate_day.day <= '${moment(vacateDayStatisticendDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD')}'`) |
} |
let vacateCountStatisticWhere = [] |
if (vacateCountStatisticStartDate) { |
vacateCountStatisticWhere.push(`vacate.start_time >= '${moment(vacateCountStatisticStartDate).startOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}'`) |
} |
if (vacateCountStatisticendDate) { |
vacateCountStatisticWhere.push(`vacate.end_time <= '${moment(vacateCountStatisticendDate).endOf('day').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}'`) |
} |
const innerSelectQuery = ` |
FROM member |
INNER JOIN ${pepEmis}.user AS user |
ON member.pep_user_id = user.id |
${keywordTarget == 'number' && keyword ? ` |
AND user.people_code LIKE '%${keyword}%' |
`: ''}
${keywordTarget == 'name' && keyword ? ` |
AND user.name LIKE '%${keyword}%' |
`: ''}
${nowAttendanceTime ? ` |
${state == 'vacate' ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT'} JOIN ( |
pep_user_id, |
any(start_time) AS vacateStartTime, |
any(end_time) AS vacateEndTime |
FROM vacate |
start_time <= '${nowTime.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}' |
AND end_time > '${nowTime.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}' |
GROUP BY pep_user_id |
) AS hrVacate |
ON hrVacate.pep_user_id = member.pep_user_id |
`: ''}
${nowAttendanceTime ? ` |
pep_user_id, |
any(start_time) AS overtimeStartTime, |
any(end_time) AS overtimeEndTime |
FROM overtime |
start_time <= '${nowTime.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}' |
AND end_time > '${nowTime.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}' |
GROUP BY pep_user_id |
) AS hrOvertime |
ON hrOvertime.pep_user_id = member.pep_user_id |
`: ''}
${orderBy == 'overtimeTakeRestSum' || |
orderBy == 'overtimePaySum' || |
orderBy == 'overtimeSum' ? |
overtime.pep_user_id AS pepUserId, |
sum(overtime_day.duration) AS duration |
FROM overtime_day |
INNER JOIN overtime |
ON overtime.id = overtime_day.overtime_id |
${orderBy == 'overtimeTakeRestSum' ? `AND overtime.compensate = '调休'` : ''} |
${orderBy == 'overtimePaySum' ? `AND overtime.compensate = '发放加班补偿'` : ''} |
${overtimeDayStatisticWhere.length ? ` |
WHERE ${overtimeDayStatisticWhere.join(' AND ')} |
`: ''}
GROUP BY overtime.pep_user_id |
) AS overtimeDayStatistic |
ON overtimeDayStatistic.pepUserId = member.pep_user_id`: ''}
${overtimeCountStatistic ? ` |
overtime.pep_user_id AS pepUserId, |
count(pep_process_story_id) AS count |
FROM overtime |
${overtimeCountStatisticWhere.length ? ` |
WHERE ${overtimeCountStatisticWhere.join(' AND ')} |
`: ''}
GROUP BY overtime.pep_user_id |
) AS overtimeCountStatistic |
ON overtimeCountStatistic.pepUserId = member.pep_user_id |
`: ''}
${vacateDurationStatistic || |
orderBy == 'vacateSum' ? |
vacate.pep_user_id AS pepUserId, |
sum(vacate_day.duration) AS duration |
FROM vacate_day |
INNER JOIN vacate |
ON vacate.id = vacate_day.vacate_id |
${vacateDayStatisticWhere.length ? ` |
WHERE ${vacateDayStatisticWhere.join(' AND ')} |
`: ''}
GROUP BY vacate.pep_user_id |
) AS vacateDayStatistic |
ON vacateDayStatistic.pepUserId = member.pep_user_id`: ''}
${vacateCountStatistic ? ` |
vacate.pep_user_id AS pepUserId, |
count(pep_process_story_id) AS count |
FROM vacate |
${vacateCountStatisticWhere.length ? ` |
WHERE ${vacateCountStatisticWhere.join(' AND ')} |
`: ''}
GROUP BY vacate.pep_user_id |
) AS vacateCountStatistic |
ON vacateCountStatistic.pepUserId = member.pep_user_id |
`: ''}
member.del = '0' |
${keywordTarget == 'post' && keyword ? ` |
AND user.post IN ( |
SELECT basicDataPost.id |
FROM ${pepEmis}.basicdata_post AS basicDataPost |
where basicDataPost.name LIKE '%${keyword}%' |
) |
` : ''}
${keywordTarget == 'dep' && keyword ? ` |
AND user.id IN ( |
SELECT department_user.user |
FROM ${pepEmis}.department_user AS department_user |
INNER JOIN ${pepEmis}.department AS department |
ON department.id = department_user.department |
AND department.name LIKE '%${keyword}%' |
) |
` : ''}
${state == 'dimission' ? `AND member.dimission_date IS NOT null` : ''} |
${state == 'onJob' ? `AND member.dimission_date IS null` : ''} |
${whereFromSelectOption.length && nowAttendanceTime ? `AND ${whereFromSelectOption.join('AND')}` : ''} |
${hiredateStart ? ` |
AND member.hiredate >= '${moment(hiredateStart).format('YYYY-MM-DD')}' |
`: ''}
${hiredateEnd ? `
AND member.hiredate <= '${moment(hiredateEnd).format('YYYY-MM-DD')}' |
` : ''}
${marital ? ` |
AND member.marital = '${marital}' |
`: ''}
${native ? ` |
AND member.native_place = '${native}' |
`: ''}
${workPlace ? ` |
AND member.work_place = '${workPlace}' |
`: ''}
` |
const userRes = await clickHouse.hr.query(` |
hrMember."member.pep_user_id" AS pepUserId, |
hrMember.*, |
user.name AS userName, |
user.people_code AS userCode, |
basicDataPost.name AS userPost, |
role.name AS roleName, |
role.id AS roleId, |
department.name AS depName, |
department.id AS depId, |
user.job AS userJob, |
user.active_status AS userActiveStatus, |
user.organization AS userOrganization |
FROM ( |
${orderBy == 'overtimeTakeRestSum' |
|| orderBy == 'overtimePaySum' |
|| orderBy == 'overtimeSum' ? ` |
overtimeDayStatistic.duration AS overtimeDayStatisticDuration, |
`: ''}
${overtimeCountStatistic ? ` |
overtimeCountStatistic.count AS overtimeCount, |
`: ''}
${orderBy == 'vacateSum' || vacateDurationStatistic ? ` |
vacateDayStatistic.duration AS vacateDayStatisticDuration, |
`: ''}
${vacateCountStatistic ? ` |
vacateCountStatistic.count AS vacateCount, |
`: ''}
${nowAttendanceTime ? ` |
hrVacate.vacateStartTime AS vacateStartTime, |
hrVacate.vacateEndTime AS vacateEndTime, |
hrOvertime.overtimeStartTime AS overtimeStartTime, |
hrOvertime.overtimeEndTime AS overtimeEndTime, |
`: ''}
member.* |
${innerSelectQuery} |
${limit ? `LIMIT ${limit}` : ''} |
${limit && page ? 'OFFSET ' + parseInt(limit) * parseInt(page) : ''} |
) AS hrMember |
LEFT JOIN ${pepEmis}.user AS user |
ON pepUserId = user.id |
LEFT JOIN ${pepEmis}.user_role AS user_role |
ON ${pepEmis}.user_role.user = user.id |
LEFT JOIN ${pepEmis}.role AS role |
ON ${pepEmis}.role.id = user_role.role |
LEFT JOIN ${pepEmis}.basicdata_post AS basicDataPost |
ON ${pepEmis}.basicdata_post.id = user.post |
LEFT JOIN ${pepEmis}.department_user AS department_user |
ON department_user.user = user.id |
LEFT JOIN ${pepEmis}.department AS department |
ON department.id = department_user.department |
${whereOption.length ? `WHERE ${whereOption.join(' AND ')}` : ''} |
ORDER BY ${orderBy == 'code' ? |
'user.people_code' |
: orderBy == 'hiredate' |
? 'hrMember."member.hiredate"' |
: orderBy == 'age' |
? 'hrMember."member.birthday"' |
: orderBy == 'overtimeTakeRestSum' |
|| orderBy == 'overtimePaySum' |
|| orderBy == 'overtimeSum' ? |
'hrMember.overtimeDayStatisticDuration' |
: orderBy == 'overtimeCount' ? |
'hrMember.overtimeCount' |
: orderBy == 'vacateSum' ? |
'hrMember.vacateDayStatisticDuration' |
: orderBy == 'vacateCount' ? |
'hrMember.vacateCount' |
: 'user.people_code'} |
${orderDirection || 'ASC'} |
const countRes = await clickHouse.hr.query(` |
count(member.pep_user_id) AS count |
${innerSelectQuery} |
return { |
count: countRes[0].count, |
rows: userRes |
} |
} |
async function packageUserData (userRes, option = {}) { |
const { judgeHoliday, } = app.fs.utils |
let workTime = false |
let dayoffTime = false |
if (option.state) { |
const curDay = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') |
const nowTime = moment() |
const holidayJudge = await judgeHoliday(curDay) |
if (holidayJudge) { |
if ( |
holidayJudge.workday |
&& nowTime.isAfter(moment(curDay + ' 08:30')) |
&& nowTime.isBefore(moment(curDay + ' 17:30')) |
) { |
workTime = true |
} else if (holidayJudge.dayoff || holidayJudge.festivals) { |
dayoffTime = true |
} |
} |
} |
let returnD = [] |
let pepUserIds = [-1] |
userRes.rows.forEach(u => { |
let existUser = returnD.find(r => r.pepUserId == u.pepUserId) |
if (existUser) { |
if (u.depId && !existUser.departmrnt.some(d => d.id == u.depId)) { |
existUser.departmrnt.push({ |
id: u.depId, |
name: u.depName |
}) |
} |
if (u.roleId && !existUser.role.some(r => r.id == u.roleId)) { |
existUser.role.push({ |
id: u.roleId, |
name: u.roleName |
}) |
} |
} else { |
let obj = {} |
for (let k in u) { |
let nextKey = k.replace('hrMember.', '') |
.replace('member.', '') |
if (nextKey.includes('_')) { |
nextKey = nextKey.toLowerCase() |
.replace( |
/(_)[a-z]/g, |
(L) => L.toUpperCase() |
) |
.replace(/_/g, '') |
} |
obj[nextKey] = u[k] == '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000' || u[k] == '1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000' ? null : u[k] |
} |
pepUserIds.push(u.pepUserId) |
console.log("查询到的用户信息:", obj); |
returnD.push({ |
...obj, |
departmrnt: u.depId ? [{ |
id: u.depId, |
name: u.depName |
}] : [], |
role: u.roleId ? [{ |
id: u.roleId, |
name: u.roleName |
}] : [], |
state: option.state ? |
obj['dimissionDate'] ? 'dimission' : |
obj['vacateStartTime'] ? 'vacate' : |
workTime ? 'inOffice' : |
dayoffTime ? 'dayoff' : 'rest' |
: undefined, |
del: undefined, |
pepuserid: undefined |
}) |
} |
}) |
return { packageUser: returnD, pepUserIds } |
} |
return { |
memberList, |
packageUserData |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ |
import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react'; |
import { connect } from 'react-redux'; |
import { Button, Popconfirm } from 'antd'; |
import ProTable from '@ant-design/pro-table'; |
import PlanModal from '../components/planModal'; |
import { createPatrolPlan, delPatrolPlan, updatePatrolPlan, getPatrolPlan } from '../actions/plan'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
function PatrolTemplate (props) { |
const { dispatch, user } = props; |
const tableRef = useRef(); |
const [dataSource, setDataSource] = useState([{}]); |
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false); |
const [type, setType] = useState(); |
const [curRecord, setCurRecord] = useState(); |
const onCreate = (values) => { |
if (type === 'create') { |
dispatch(createPatrolPlan(values)).then(res => { |
if (res.success) { |
tableRef.current.reload(); |
} |
}) |
} else { |
dispatch(updatePatrolPlan({ ...values, id: curRecord.id })).then(res => { |
if (res.success) { |
tableRef.current.reload(); |
} |
}) |
} |
setVisible(false); |
}; |
const columns = [{ |
title: '结构物名称', |
dataIndex: 'struName', |
key: 'struName', |
ellipsis: true, |
render: (_, record) => { |
return <div>{record?.project?.name}</div> |
} |
}, { |
title: '巡检任务名称', |
dataIndex: 'name', |
key: 'name', |
ellipsis: true |
}, { |
title: '开始时间', |
dataIndex: 'startTime', |
key: 'startTime', |
ellipsis: true, |
render: (_, record) => moment(record.startTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD') |
}, { |
title: '结束时间', |
dataIndex: 'endTime', |
key: 'endTime', |
ellipsis: true, |
render: (_, record) => moment(record.endTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD') |
}, { |
title: '巡检频次', |
dataIndex: 'frequency', |
key: 'frequency', |
ellipsis: true, |
}, { |
title: '巡检点位', |
dataIndex: 'patrolPoints', |
key: 'patrolPoints', |
ellipsis: true, |
render: (_, record) => <div>{record?.points?.length ? record?.points?.map(p => p.name).join() : '-'}</div> |
}, { |
title: '巡检人', |
dataIndex: 'patrolPerson', |
key: 'patrolPerson', |
ellipsis: true, |
render: (_, record) => <div>{record?.user?.name}</div> |
}, { |
title: '巡检次数统计', |
dataIndex: 'patrolCount', |
key: 'patrolCount', |
ellipsis: true, |
}, { |
title: '操作', |
dataIndex: 'action', |
key: 'action', |
search: false, |
width: 200, |
render: (_, record) => { |
return <> |
<Button type="link" onClick={() => { |
setType('edit') |
setCurRecord(record) |
setVisible(true) |
}}>修改</Button> |
<Button type="link" onClick={() => { |
setType('view') |
setCurRecord(record) |
setVisible(true) |
}}>查看</Button> |
<Popconfirm |
title="确认删除?" |
onConfirm={() => { |
dispatch(delPatrolPlan(record.id)).then(res => { |
if (res.success) { |
tableRef.current.reload(); |
} |
}) |
}}> |
<Button type="link" danger>删除</Button> |
</Popconfirm> |
</> |
}, |
}]; |
return ( |
<> |
<ProTable |
columns={columns} |
actionRef={tableRef} |
options={false} |
dataSource={dataSource || []} |
rowKey='id' |
pagination={{ pageSize: 10 }} |
search={false} |
request={async (params = {}) => { |
const res = await dispatch(getPatrolPlan(params)); |
setDataSource(res?.payload.data?.rows); |
return { ...res }; |
}} |
onReset={() => { }} |
toolBarRender={() => [ |
<Button |
type="primary" |
key="primary" |
onClick={() => { |
setType('create') |
setVisible(true) |
}} |
>新增巡检模板</Button> |
]} |
/> |
{ |
visible ? |
<PlanModal |
visible={visible} |
onCreate={onCreate} |
type={type} |
curRecord={curRecord} |
onCancel={() => { |
setVisible(false); |
}} |
/> : null |
} |
</> |
) |
} |
function mapStateToProps (state) { |
const { auth } = state |
return { |
user: auth.user |
} |
} |
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(PatrolTemplate); |
Reference in new issue