@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ module.exports = function (app, opts) { |
for (let { dataValues: c } of configListRes) { |
if (c.tacticsParams && c.tactics) { |
const { projectCorrelation, strucId, pomsProjectId } = c |
const { projectCorrelation, strucId, pomsProjectId, } = c |
const { interval, deviceProportion } = c.tacticsParams |
if ( |
curMinOfYear % interval == 0 |
curMinOfYear % parseInt(interval) == 0 |
) { |
const corPepProject = projectCorrelation.pepProjectId ? |
pepProjectRes.find(p => p.id == projectCorrelation.pepProjectId) |
@ -69,18 +69,63 @@ module.exports = function (app, opts) { |
&& c.timeType.some(ct => ct == corPepProject.construction_status_id) |
) |
) { |
// TODO 查当前 poms 下的结构物 并把不包含的去掉
const { anxinProjectId, pepProjectId } = projectCorrelation |
const strucListRes = strucId.length ? await clickHouse.anxinyun.query(` |
SELECT id, iota_thing_id, name |
FROM t_structure |
WHERE id IN (${strucId.join(',')}) |
`).toPromise() : []
// 查当前 poms 下的结构物 并把不包含的去掉
// 可能有结构物已解绑
const strucListRes = strucId.length && anxinProjectId.length ? |
await clickHouse.anxinyun.query( |
` |
t_structure.id AS id, |
t_structure.name AS name, |
t_structure.iota_thing_id AS iotaThingId |
t_project |
t_project_structure |
ON t_project_structure.project = t_project.id |
t_project_structuregroup |
ON t_project_structuregroup.project = t_project.id |
t_structuregroup_structure |
ON t_structuregroup_structure.structuregroup = t_project_structuregroup.structuregroup |
t_project_construction |
ON t_project_construction.project = t_project.id |
t_structure_site |
ON t_structure_site.siteid = t_project_construction.construction |
t_structure |
ON t_structure.id = t_project_structure.structure |
OR t_structure.id = t_structuregroup_structure.structure |
OR t_structure.id = t_structure_site.structid |
project_state != -1 |
AND t_project.id IN (${anxinProjectId.join(',')}) |
AND t_structure.id IN (${strucId.join(',')}) |
` |
).toPromise() : |
[] |
let searchStrucIds = strucListRes.map(s => s.id) |
if (searchStrucIds.length) { |
searchStrucIds.unshift(-1) |
} |
let pepProjectName = pepProjectId ? |
pepProjectRes.find(p => p.id == pepProjectId).project_name |
: projectCorrelation.name |
let emailTitle = `${pepProjectName}-${c.name}-` |
let emailSubTitle = '' |
let dataAlarmOption = [] |
let dataAlarmGroupOption = [] |
let dataAlarms = [] |
let videoAlarmWhereOption = [] |
let videoAlarms = [] |
let appAlarmWhereOption = { |
@ -89,17 +134,26 @@ module.exports = function (app, opts) { |
let appAlarms = [] |
let deviceCount = 0 |
let alarmDeviceCount = 0 |
let cameraCount = 0 |
let alarmCameraCount = 0 |
// 判断推送策略
let pointTime = moment().subtract(interval, 'minute').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
let nowTime = moment().startOf('minute') |
let pointTime = moment().subtract(parseInt(interval), 'minute').startOf('minute').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') |
if (c.tactics == 'immediately') { |
dataAlarmOption.push(`StartTime >= '${pointTime}'`); |
appAlarmWhereOption.createTime = { $gte: pointTime } |
// dataAlarmOption.push(`StartTime >= '${pointTime}'`);
// appAlarmWhereOption.createTime = { $gte: pointTime }
// videoAlarmWhereOption.push(`camera_status_alarm.create_time >= '${pointTime}'`)
emailTitle += `即时推送服务` |
emailSubTitle += `截止${moment(pointTime).format('YYYY年MM月DD日 HH时mm分')}-${moment(nowTime).format('HH时mm分')}:` |
} else if (c.tactics == 'continue') { |
dataAlarmOption.push(`StartTime <= '${pointTime}'`); |
appAlarmWhereOption.createTime = { $lte: pointTime } |
// dataAlarmOption.push(`StartTime <= '${pointTime}'`);
// appAlarmWhereOption.createTime = { $lte: pointTime }
// videoAlarmWhereOption.push(`camera_status_alarm.create_time <= '${pointTime}'`)
emailTitle += `持续时长推送服务` |
emailSubTitle += `告警持续时长超${interval}分钟的告警源,详情如下:` |
} else if (c.tactics == 'abnormal_rate') { |
dataAlarmOption.push(`StartTime <= '${pointTime}'`); |
// dataAlarmOption.push(`StartTime <= '${pointTime}'`);
if (c.alarmType.includes('data_outages') || c.alarmType.includes('data_exception')) { |
// 查了设备异常率 去安心云查当前项目下的设备数量
// TODO 等同步以太数据再查
@ -110,15 +164,19 @@ module.exports = function (app, opts) { |
} |
if (c.alarmType.includes('video_exception')) { |
// 查了视频异常 去安心云查 接入的 萤石 设备数量
cameraCount = strucId.length ? |
cameraCount = searchStrucIds.length ? |
(await clickHouse.anxinyun.query(` |
SELECT count(*) AS count FROM t_video_ipc |
WHERE structure IN (${strucId.join(',')}) |
WHERE structure IN (${searchStrucIds.join(',')}) |
: 0 |
} |
appAlarmWhereOption.createTime = { $lte: pointTime } |
// appAlarmWhereOption.createTime = { $lte: pointTime }
// videoAlarmWhereOption.push(`camera_status_alarm.create_time <= '${pointTime}'`)
emailTitle += `异常率推送服务` |
emailSubTitle += `持续产生时间超过${interval}分钟的异常设备数量${interval}个,异常率达到项目或结构物内设备总数量${deviceCount + cameraCount}个的${interval}%,详情如下` |
} |
emailTitle += '——POMS飞尚运维中台' |
// 判断告警数据范围
if (c.alarmType.includes('data_outages')) { |
@ -131,7 +189,7 @@ module.exports = function (app, opts) { |
dataAlarmGroupOption.push(3) |
} |
if (c.alarmType.includes('video_exception')) { |
videoAlarms = strucId.length ? await clickHouse.vcmp.query( |
videoAlarms = searchStrucIds.length ? await clickHouse.vcmp.query( |
` |
cameraAlarm.cameraId AS cameraId, |
@ -167,13 +225,15 @@ module.exports = function (app, opts) { |
INNER JOIN ${anxinyun}.t_video_ipc |
ON toString(${anxinyun}.t_video_ipc.channel_no) = camera_status_alarm.channel_no |
AND ${anxinyun}.t_video_ipc.serial_no = camera_status_alarm.serial_no |
AND ${anxinyun}.t_video_ipc.structure IN (${strucId.join(',')}) |
AND ${anxinyun}.t_video_ipc.structure IN (${searchStrucIds.join(',')}) |
INNER JOIN camera |
ON camera.serial_no = camera_status_alarm.serial_no |
AND camera.channel_no = camera_status_alarm.channel_no |
AND camera.delete = false |
AND camera.recycle_time is null |
WHERE camera_status_alarm.confirm_time IS null |
camera_status_alarm.confirm_time IS null |
${videoAlarmWhereOption.length ? ` AND ${videoAlarmWhereOption.join(' AND ')}` : ''} |
) AS cameraAlarm |
LEFT JOIN camera_status |
ON cameraAlarm.platform = camera_status.platform |
@ -186,7 +246,7 @@ module.exports = function (app, opts) { |
AND anxinIpc.serial_no = cameraAlarm.cameraSerialNo |
LEFT JOIN ${anxinyun}.t_structure AS anxinStruc |
ON anxinStruc.id = anxinIpc.structure |
AND anxinStruc.id IN (${strucId.join(',')}) |
AND anxinStruc.id IN (${searchStrucIds.join(',')}) |
LEFT JOIN ${anxinyun}.t_video_ipc_station AS anxinIpcStation |
ON anxinIpcStation.ipc = anxinIpc.id |
LEFT JOIN ${anxinyun}.t_sensor AS anxinStation |
@ -275,20 +335,119 @@ module.exports = function (app, opts) { |
dataAlarmGroupOption.push(4) |
dataAlarmGroupOption.push(5) |
} |
if (dataAlarmGroupOption.length) { |
// 查数据告警 三警合一
if (dataAlarmGroupOption.length && searchStrucIds.length) { |
dataAlarmGroupOption.push(-1) |
dataAlarmOption.push(`AlarmGroup IN (${dataAlarmGroupOption.join(',')})`) |
dataAlarms = await clickHouse.dataAlarm.query(` |
SELECT * FROM alarms |
State NOT IN (3, 4) |
AND StructureId IN (${searchStrucIds.join(',')}) |
${dataAlarmOption.length ? ' AND ' + dataAlarmOption.join(' AND ') : ''} |
console.log(dataAlarms); |
} |
let dataAlarmTitle = [{ |
n: '项目', |
k: '', |
v: pepProjectName |
}, { |
n: '结构物', |
k: '', |
f: (d) => { |
return (strucListRes.find(s => s.id == d.StructureId) || {}).name |
} |
}, { |
n: '告警源名称', |
k: 'SourceName' |
}, { |
n: '告警源类型', |
k: '', |
f: (d) => { |
switch (d.SourceTypeId) { |
case 0: |
return 'DTU' |
case 1: |
return '传感器' |
case 2: |
return '测点' |
default: |
return '' |
} |
} |
}, { |
n: '告警信息', |
k: 'AlarmContent' |
}, { |
n: '告警等级(当前)', |
k: '', |
f: (d) => { |
switch (d.CurrentLevel) { |
case 1: |
return '一级' |
case 2: |
return '二级' |
case 3: |
return '三级' |
default: |
return '' |
} |
} |
}, { |
n: '持续时间', |
k: '', |
f: (d) => { |
return d.StartTime ? |
'超过' + moment().diff(moment(d.StartTime), 'minutes') + '分钟' : '' |
} |
},] |
let html = '' |
let tableTitlePostfix = ',详情如下:' |
function packageTableTitle (tArr) { |
} |
if (c.alarmType.includes('data_outages')) { |
let tableTitlePrefix = '数据中断告警源' |
let newAddCount = 0 |
let alarmHtml = '' |
if (c.tactics == 'immediately') { |
for (let a of dataAlarms.filter(d => d.AlarmGroup == 1)) { |
alarmHtml += 1 |
} |
tableTitlePrefix += 1 |
} else if (c.tactics == 'continue') { |
} else if (c.tactics == 'abnormal_rate') { |
} |
} |
if (c.alarmType.includes('data_exception')) { |
} |
if (c.alarmType.includes('strategy_hit')) { |
} |
if (c.alarmType.includes('video_exception')) { |
} |
if (c.alarmType.includes('app_exception')) { |
} |
if (c.alarmType.includes('device_exception')) { |
} |
await pushByEmail({ |
email: ['1650192445@qq.com'], |
title: emailTitle, |
text: '', |
html: '' |
}) |
} |
} |
} |