2 years ago
15 changed files with 954 additions and 158 deletions
@ -1,20 +1,171 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const moment = require('moment'); |
const Kafka = require('kafka-node'); |
module.exports = async function factory (app, opts) { |
const client = new Kafka.KafkaClient({ kafkaHost: opts.kafka.rootURL }); |
module.exports = async function factory(app, opts) { |
try { |
const client = new Kafka.KafkaClient({ kafkaHost: opts.kafka.rootURL, fromOffset: true }); |
const producer = new Kafka.HighLevelProducer(client); |
producer.on('error', function (err) { |
app.fs.logger.log('error', "[FS-KAFKA]", err); |
}); |
producer.on("ready", function () { |
console.log('111111 ready 666666666666') |
}) |
const kafka = { |
producer: producer, |
configUpdateMessage: opts.configUpdateMessage || {} |
}; |
// const kafka = {
// producer: producer,
// configUpdateMessage: opts.configUpdateMessage || {}
// };
app.fs.kafka = kafka; |
// app.fs.kafka = kafka;
app.fs.logger.log('debug', "[FS-KAFKA]", "Init.Success"); |
// const topics = [{ topic: 'anxinyun_alarm', partition: 0 }]
// const options = {
// // groupId: 'topic-test-one',
// autoCommit: false,
// //fromOffset: true,
// fromOffset: 'latest'
// }
// const consumer = new Kafka.Consumer(client, topics, options)
// consumer.on("ready", function () {
// console.log('consumer ready 666666666666')
// })
// // consumer.on("message", function (w) {
// // console.log('consumer ready 666666666666')
// // })
// consumer.on('message', function (message) {
// const decodedMessage = JSON.parse(message.value)
// console.log('decodedMessage: ', decodedMessage)
// })
// consumer.on('error', function (err) {
// console.log('consumer err:')
// console.log(err);
// });
let consumer = new Kafka.ConsumerGroup(Object.assign({}, { groupId: 'yunwei-platform-api', fromOffset: 'latest' }, { kafkaHost: opts.kafka.rootURL }), ['anxinyun_alarm']) |
consumer.on('message', async function (message) { |
let msg = JSON.parse(message.value) |
console.log('kafka consumer----------接收到消息'); |
await savePullAlarm(msg); |
}) |
// let offset = new Kafka.Offset(client);
// consumer.on('offsetOutOfRange', function (topic) {
// console.log('offsetOutOfRange')
// // consumer.setOffset('topic', 0, 0);
// // topic.maxNum = 1;
// offset.fetch([topic], function (err, offsets) {
// if (err) {
// return console.error(err);
// }
// try {
// const max = Math.max.apply(null, offsets[topic.topic][topic.partition]);
// consumer.setOffset(topic.topic, topic.partition, max);
// } catch (error) {
// console.log(error);
// }
// });
// });
let structsAche = { |
dataList: [], |
expireTime: null//10分钟更新一次结构物列表
} |
async function getStructsAche() { |
const { utils: { getAxyStructs } } = app.fs |
try { |
if (!structsAche.dataList.length || moment() > moment(structsAche.expireTime)) { |
let structList = await getAxyStructs(); |
structsAche.dataList = structList; |
structsAche.expireTime = moment().add(10, 'minute').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); |
} |
return structsAche; |
} catch (err) { |
console.log(`获取结构物列表失败, error: ${err}`); |
} |
} |
async function savePullAlarm(msg) { |
const { clickHouse, utils: { sendAppearToWeb, sendConfirmToWeb } } = app.fs |
try { |
let { messageMode, structureId, sourceName, alarmTypeCode, alarmCode, content, time } = msg; |
let structsAche = await getStructsAche(); |
if (structsAche) { |
let structs = structsAche.dataList;//结构物列表
const { models } = app.fs.dc |
let exist = structs.find(s => s.strucId == structureId); |
if (exist) { |
let alarmType = await clickHouse.anxinyun.query( |
`SELECT name FROM t_alarm_type WHERE code='${alarmTypeCode}'`).toPromise() |
let type = alarmType.length ? alarmType[0].name : '' |
let projects = exist.pomsProject.filter(d => !d.del).map(p => p.id); |
if (messageMode == 'AlarmGeneration') {//告警产生--------------------------------------------------1
let datas = projects.map(d => {//需要 项目,告警源,异常类型,时间
return { |
projectCorrelationId: d, |
alarmInfo: { messageMode, sourceName, alarmTypeCode, content }, |
time: time, |
} |
}) |
let rslt = await models.AlarmAppearRecord.bulkCreate(datas, { returning: true }); |
let dynamics = rslt.map(r => { |
return { |
time: r.time, |
alarmAppearId: r.id, |
projectCorrelationId: r.projectCorrelationId, |
type: 1//发现
} |
}) |
await models.LatestDynamicList.bulkCreate(dynamics); |
if (datas.length) { |
await sendAppearToWeb(datas, 'data'); |
} |
} else if (messageMode == 'AlarmAutoElimination') {//告警自动恢复------------------------------------2
let datas = projects.map(d => { |
return { |
pepUserId: null, |
projectCorrelationId: d, |
alarmInfo: { source: sourceName, type },//包含告警id,type,source
confirmTime: time, |
confirmContent: '自动恢复' |
} |
}) |
let rslt = await models.AlarmConfirmLog.bulkCreate(datas, { returning: true }); |
let dynamics = rslt.map(r => { |
return { |
time: r.confirmTime, |
alarmConfirmId: r.id, |
projectCorrelationId: r.projectCorrelationId, |
type: 4//告警确认
} |
}) |
await models.LatestDynamicList.bulkCreate(dynamics); |
if (datas.length) { |
await sendConfirmToWeb(datas, true); |
} |
} |
} |
} else { |
console.log(`获取结构物列表失败, error: ${err}`); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
} |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.log(error); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ |
'use strict'; |
module.exports = function (app, opts) { |
const { models } = app.fs.dc |
const { clickHouse } = app.fs |
let constAlarmGroups = { |
1: '数据中断', |
2: '数据异常', |
3: '策略命中', |
4: '设备异常', |
5: '设备异常', |
'video': '视频异常', |
'app': '应用异常' |
} |
async function sendAppearToWeb(datas, ttype) { |
try { |
let alarmGroup = null |
let { projects, pepProjects } = await getProjectsInfo(datas); |
if (ttype == 'data') { |
let alarm_group = await clickHouse.anxinyun.query( |
`SELECT alarm_group FROM t_alarm_code WHERE code='${datas[0].alarmInfo.alarmTypeCode}'`).toPromise(); |
alarmGroup = alarm_group.length ? constAlarmGroups[alarm_group[0].alarm_group] : null |
} else { |
alarmGroup = constAlarmGroups[ttype] |
} |
let sendData = [] |
datas.map(ld => { |
let pepPId = projects.find(p => p.id == ld.projectCorrelationId).pepProjectId; |
sendData.push({ |
projectCorrelationId: ld.projectCorrelationId, |
project: projects.find(p => p.id == ld.projectCorrelationId).name || pepProjects.find(pp => pp.id == pepPId).project_name,//前者为自定义项目名称
source: ld.alarmInfo.sourceName, |
type: ld.type, |
time: ld.time, |
}) |
}) |
app.socket.emit('alarmSendSocket', { type: 'alarmAppear', sendData }) |
} catch (err) { |
console.log(`告警(发现)推送失败, error: ${err}`); |
} |
} |
async function sendConfirmToWeb(logDatas, isAuto) { |
try { |
let userName = null |
if (!isAuto) { |
let userPepRes = await clickHouse.pepEmis.query( |
`SELECT DISTINCT user.id AS id, "user"."name" AS name FROM user WHERE user.id=${logDatas[0].pepUserId}`).toPromise(); |
userName = userPepRes.length ? userPepRes[0].name : null |
} |
let { projects, pepProjects } = await getProjectsInfo(logDatas); |
let sendData = [] |
logDatas.map(ld => { |
let pepPId = projects.find(p => p.id == ld.projectCorrelationId).pepProjectId; |
sendData.push({ |
user: userName, |
projectCorrelationId: ld.projectCorrelationId, |
project: projects.find(p => p.id == ld.projectCorrelationId).name || pepProjects.find(pp => pp.id == pepPId).project_name,//前者为自定义项目名称
source: ld.alarmInfo.source, |
type: ld.alarmInfo.type, |
time: ld.confirmTime, |
}) |
}) |
app.socket.emit('alarmSendSocket', { type: 'alarmConfirm', sendData })//小飞(处理人) 确认并关闭了A项目(项目) DTU设备(告警源) 状态异常(异常类型)的问题
} catch (err) { |
console.log(`告警(确认)推送失败, error: ${err}`); |
} |
} |
async function getProjectsInfo(datas) { |
try { |
let pIds = datas.map(l => l.projectCorrelationId);//所有的项目的id
let projects = await models.ProjectCorrelation.findAll({ |
where: { id: { $in: pIds } }, |
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'pepProjectId'] |
}); |
let pepPojectIds = new Set(); |
for (let p of projects) { |
pepPojectIds.add(p.pepProjectId); |
} |
let pepProjects = pepPojectIds.size ? await clickHouse.projectManage.query(` |
SELECT id, project_name FROM t_pim_project WHERE id IN (${[...pepPojectIds]})`).toPromise() : [];
return { projects, pepProjects }; |
} catch (err) { |
console.log(`获取项目信息失败, error: ${err}`); |
} |
} |
async function sendNoticeToWeb(pepUsers, data) { |
try { |
let { cfgName, tactics, tacticsParams, projectCorrelationId, time } = data; |
let { projects, pepProjects } = await getProjectsInfo([data]); |
let pepPId = projects.find(p => p.id == projectCorrelationId).pepProjectId; |
//需要 策略名称 处理人 项目 策略和参数 时间
let sendData = { |
pushConfig: { cfgName, tactics, tacticsParams },//策略信息
pepUsers, |
projectCorrelationId: projectCorrelationId, |
project: projects.find(p => p.id == projectCorrelationId).name || pepProjects.find(pp => pp.id == pepPId).project_name,//前者为自定义项目名称
time |
} |
app.socket.emit('alarmSendSocket', { type: 'alarmNotice', sendData }) |
} catch (err) { |
console.log(`推送通知失败, error: ${err}`); |
} |
} |
return { |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ |
'use strict'; |
const moment = require('moment') |
module.exports = function (app, opts) { |
const { models } = app.fs.dc |
const { clickHouse } = app.fs |
const { database: anxinyun } = clickHouse.anxinyun.opts.config |
async function getAxyStructs(pepProjectId) { |
try { |
try { |
const { pepProjectRes, bindRes } = await pomsWithPepRangeParams(pepProjectId) |
// 获取不重复的 安心云项目 id
const anxinProjectIds = [ |
...(bindRes).reduce( |
(arr, b) => { |
for (let sid of b.anxinProjectId) { |
arr.add(sid); |
} |
return arr; |
}, |
new Set() |
) |
] |
// 查询安心云项目及结构物信息
const undelStrucRes = anxinProjectIds.length ? |
await clickHouse.anxinyun.query( |
t_project.id AS projectId, |
t_structure.id AS strucId, |
t_structure.name AS strucName, |
project_state |
t_project |
t_project_structure |
ON t_project_structure.project = t_project.id |
t_project_structuregroup |
ON t_project_structuregroup.project = t_project.id |
t_structuregroup_structure |
ON t_structuregroup_structure.structuregroup = t_project_structuregroup.structuregroup |
t_project_construction |
ON t_project_construction.project = t_project.id |
t_structure_site |
ON t_structure_site.siteid = t_project_construction.construction |
t_structure |
ON t_structure.id = t_project_structure.structure |
OR t_structure.id = t_structuregroup_structure.structure |
OR t_structure.id = t_structure_site.structid |
project_state != -1 |
t_project.id IN (${anxinProjectIds.join(',')})`).toPromise() : []
// 构建安心云结构物和项企项目的关系
// 并保存信息至数据
let undelStruc = [] |
for (let s of undelStrucRes) { |
let corStruc = undelStruc.find(us => us.strucId == s.strucId) |
if (corStruc) { |
if (!corStruc.project.some(cp => cp.id == s.projectId)) { |
corStruc.project.push({ |
id: s.projectId |
}) |
} |
} else { |
corStruc = { |
strucId: s.strucId, |
strucName: s.strucName, |
projectId: s.projectId, |
project: [{ |
id: s.projectId, |
}], |
pomsProject: [] |
} |
undelStruc.push(corStruc) |
} |
for (let { dataValues: br } of bindRes) { |
if (br.anxinProjectId.some(braId => braId == s.projectId)) { |
let corPepProject = pepProjectRes.find(pp => pp.id == br.pepProjectId) |
let corPomsProject = corStruc.pomsProject.find(cp => cp.id == br.id) |
if (corPomsProject) { |
// poms 的 project 和 pep 的 project 是一对一的关系 所以这个情况不用处理
} else { |
corStruc.pomsProject.push({ |
...br, |
pepProject: corPepProject |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return undelStruc |
} catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.log(error) |
} |
} |
async function pomsWithPepRangeParams(pepProjectId) { |
try { |
let findOption = { |
where: { |
del: false |
} |
} |
if (pepProjectId) { |
// 有 特定的项目id 就按此查询
findOption.where.id = pepProjectId |
} |
const bindRes = await models.ProjectCorrelation.findAll(findOption); |
// 获取不重复的 项企项目id
let pepProjectIds = [] |
for (let b of bindRes) { |
if (b.pepProjectId) { |
pepProjectIds.push(b.pepProjectId) |
} |
} |
// 查询项企项目的信息
const pepProjectRes = pepProjectIds.length ? |
await clickHouse.projectManage.query( |
t_pim_project.id AS id, |
t_pim_project.project_name AS projectName, |
t_pim_project.isdelete AS isdelete, |
t_pim_project_construction.construction_status_id AS constructionStatusId, |
t_pim_project_state.construction_status AS constructionStatus |
t_pim_project |
LEFT JOIN t_pim_project_construction |
ON t_pim_project.id = t_pim_project_construction.project_id |
LEFT JOIN t_pim_project_state |
ON t_pim_project_construction.construction_status_id = t_pim_project_state.id |
id IN (${pepProjectIds.join(',')})` |
).toPromise() : []; |
return { |
pepProjectRes, bindRes |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error(error); |
} |
} |
return { |
getAxyStructs |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue